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Everything posted by Violyn

  1. Welcome! And good luck.
  2. Hahaha. That is exactly why I did it that way. I'm glad someone noticed!
  3. Thank you so much for doing all of that for me. I went to my bank and cashed it first and then deposited it per their suggestion. I was assured that it was very safe and won't be revoked. I am so glad to finally have the money and to be able to put Blast Medics in the past. I am going to make sure that every EMT/Paramedic I know steers clear of them. They are based in NY, but staff events all over the country. Buh bye BMs!
  4. Well, I got a money order in the mail yesterday. Frankly, I'm shocked! I'm still going to cash it with some skepticism though. Time will tell...... The event I did was in October. It would be nice if it goes through and I finally get my pay plus the money I lost in this debacle.
  5. They are going to be seriously "blasted" after I give them a chance to send a money order, which I've been told is "in the mail". I have the phone number of the person in charge and have been sternly, but politely, requesting that this get fixed. When enough time has been given I will take legal action.
  6. It's terrible for them to take advantage like that and not fess up. Running away like scared children. I'm an EMT because I want to help people. We don't do what we do for the money, but we need all that we've worked for. Blastmedics is run by a paramedic and I think it's shameful to take advantage of and cheat one of their own.
  7. I had worked for them and been paid in the past, but this last bit has me pretty riled up. Needless to say, I will never work for them again and if anyone is approached to do an event for them, do so at your own risk. At this point they won't even answer my texts. Bad enough to not get paid, but then to lose $24 on top of that! They do, though, have an active Facebook page, not that that means much.
  8. I've done events for Blast Medics in Phoenix. Unfortunately, I haven't been paid for an event I did in October. I did receive two checks, both of which bounced, so in addition to not getting my initial payment, I've lost $24 in bank fees. I was sent a third check, but I don't want another check. I want to be paid in a more secure way. I won't work for this company ever again. It's a fun group if you get paid.
  9. It's been a while since I've been here. How's the activity? I don't see a chat room anymore. Has that been eliminated?
  10. Has anyone seen or heard anything from MedicNorth lately?
  11. I'm only partially old, but I'll say hi anyway.
  12. My school did that for us if we passed the class. I've never heard of applying on one's own to take the NREMT.
  13. What was the application for? Was it for your state license? Have you taken and passed the NREMT?
  14. That might be me. Please feel free to IM me.
  15. I want to lose a little weight/exercise more, organize my home office (this task will take most of my resolve), and practice the violin more.
  16. We were required to keep the rig running. Our rigs were so old they were afraid they wouldn't start again. There is no way they would install kill switches. We were lucky if fleet showed up when the rigs overheated.
  17. If terrorists really want to get into the country, they will.....somehow. They are probably more likely to sneak across the Mexican border. And in greater numbers. As Arctickat stated above, we're targets. We are the most hated nation for members of Isis. If we show fear, they are happy. I, for one, have no desire to please them. (The terrorists)
  18. And yet one more time.....welcome!
  19. Potatoes
  20. My company has cell phones. Might work for us, but what about training for new employees? Is this going to make getting out into the field take even longer? My training was a week and a half and there were still things that weren't covered before I got out there. It seems like a good thing as long as there is sufficient education on how to use it properly.
  21. I don't know if it's a regional thing or if it differs with companies, but when I was precepting, It was done through my ambulance company as part of my training. I was paid while doing it and the preceptors were "hired" by the company after they went through training to teach. We were scheduled by the education department and had to complete a certain number of tasks/scenarios before being "set free". I'm not sure if there is an opportunity here in the US to get students on one's own.
  22. It was really fun!
  23. Thank you.
  24. Can some fairly new old timers join in? (Does a year and a half qualify)
  25. As far as I know, it HAS happened. Lots of rigs have been taken out of parts of Phoenix. There has been a monopoly here for many years. It started with Rural Metro being fire and different ambulance companies...Kords and Southwest. I don't know what happened to Kords (before my time), but RM bought Southwest. Then PMT came in and there were two for a while and two or three years ago RM bought PMT. Back to a monopoly. AMR came in and then there were two......again. The rest is soon to be history. (I'm a very recent, former employee of RM)
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