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Everything posted by Happiness

  1. MY DADDY SLEEPS NAKED "Late again!" the third-grade teacher sternly said to little Johnny. "It ain't my fault this time, Miss Russell. You can blame this 'un on my Daddy. The reason I'm three hours late is my Daddy sleeps naked!" Now, Miss Russell had taught grammar school for thirty-some-odd years. Despite her mounting fears, she asked little Johnny what he meant by that. Full of grins and mischief, and in the flower of his youth, little Johnny and trouble were old friends, but he always told her the truth. "You see, Miss Russell, out at the farm we got this here low down fox. The last few nights, he done ate six hens. Last night, when Daddy heard a noise out in the chicken pen, he grabbed his double barreledshot gun and said to my Ma, "That fox is back again... I'm a gonna git him!'' "Stay back," Daddy whispered to all us kids! "My Daddy was naked as a jaybird -- no boots, no pants, no shirt! To the hen house he crawled, just like an Injun on the snoop. Then, he stuck that double-barreled 12-gauge shot gun through the window of the coop. As he stared into the darkness, with a fox on his mind, our old hound dog, Rip, had done gone and woke up and comes sneaking up behind Daddy. Then, as we all looked on, plumb helpless, old Rip done went and stuck his cold nose in my Daddy's crack!" "Miss Russell, we all been cleanin' chickens since three o'clock this mornin!"
  2. No pics, no time. Our cell phone dosn't take pics or do texting. I cant really see the point as I am suppose to be able to tell the ER staff the condition of the scene and they should be treating the patient not the pictures.
  3. I guess depending where the accident occurs, I will be the only one available at the time. The next station is approx 30-40 minutes away, most of the time they are out of service so then the next after that is 1.5 hrs away and by the sounds of it neither pt can wait that long. Our station has done training with other first responders, we work together and I am confident that if I have to take first responders with me they will follow my instructions, im very lucky. I tried to answer as if I had ALS available but I dont
  4. No Hazing in our station, but as far as hazing goes Crab fishermen are the worst, Hubby out fishing with pals, Gets a bucket of water, throws on cousin in the top bunk, Yells the boat is sinking. Cousin falls out of bunk, gets on life jacket and goes to the deck to find the rest laughing at him. For next two days cousin collects all the red jelly fish from the crab traps with out anyone noticing, then just before bed takes jelly fish and puts in the bottom of sleeping bags. Crew get into sleeping bags feel slime they jump out and their feet are covered and stinging because red jelly fish can sting dead or alive...... after that they decided to build a potato gun and have wars against the other crab boats for fun.
  5. I wanted to answer this without reading any response first. My Answer is #1 is going BLS as his vitals are stable, the airway is managed, he would still be going code 3 but with the snoring that is telling me there is probably severe ICP and his survival is going to be low. He will be c-spine packaged, bagged, O2 and monitored to the hospital #2 is ALS his viatals are unstable, with possible internal injuries and needs to get to the operating room. I picked him as he has a higher chance of survival. He will be c-spine packaged, O2 Non rebreather at 15 ltrs,.I will have all airway equip ready, and monitored. #3 toe tagged I am a PCP, And here is my reality they are both with me #1 on the bench and #2 on the strecher. Both of these pts are going to be going to the same hospital, will probably have the same medical team and possibly the same ER room. They will then be sent to the nearest operating room in rupert but Im not thinking #1 is going to make it. I luv rural EMS also but I am considered Isolated EMS.
  6. If you ever want to make sure that your fridge is going to get cleaned, have a 48 yr old male forget 2 cans of coke in the freezer above :)

  7. I dont answer any personal calls on my cell on a call and my ring tone is the one from the factory
  8. Pro's Learning from others Others learning from me Special friendships that will last Con's Trolls Trollette's
  9. I always have a problem with the words "could have" or "might have". There is no background on the medic to whether this is his first error, no information on what the mistake was and why. If I make a mistake I will document it on my sheet, talk to the Dr. and my Unit Chief then a medical review will be conducted and if it is deemed the error is because of negligence Im pretty sure someone may talk to the family. Personally I havent had to go through the process. I am not the one that is to go to the family before anything is decided on the error. If I do make a mistake that is found to be negligent then I'm pretty sure that I could ask to tell the family or pt. As for Flamming you can still go and tell your pt that you screwed up and lied about it if that will make you feel better. And the comment about IHLPP, it is an intentional act to put someone on the floor unrestrained when you make an error it is accidental, big difference.
  10. http://www.bclocalnews.com/bc_north/interior-news/news/130160053.html this is the opposite of the topic but I thought it was worth making a comment on. Personally I have no problems with nurses being in the ambulance as the have great skills, but were I have the problem is paramedicine is a skill set on its own and nurses are not trained in the things we do and vice versa. If a nurse wants to be in the back of an amublance why didnt they become a paramedic in the first place? The artical above tells of the pilot program intergrating paramedics into the emergency hospital system, this has been mentioned through out BC for a few years and my comment was that if I wanted to be a nurse that is what I would have to school for. Now in our community about 10 years back Northen health hired a few of us paramedics to be available to go into the hospital if shit hit the fan, or if they couldnt man the hospital to full staff. It is a good idea in an emergency situation but I kind of think that the paramedics are going to get board as we all know that we are adrenaline junkies and when the pagers go off the heart rate goes up. Well just my two cents...........................
  11. Right now if I had to Most critical on the stretcher Next on a #9 on the bench strapped in with bench seatbelts If needed I can put a very stable pt in the captians seat and one up front with the driver. Before we got the big box we had the van style (i sure miss it) and I did have a call that was 1 adult with 5 children, flip and land in a water filled ditch. Only service was us and one 1 hr away. the adult and two children went with me as follows due to injury severity Adult on the stretcher full spinal internal injuries One child on #9 on bench Full spinal internal injuries One child on #9 chained to the roof (when you could do that stuff) this pt was the noisest and the least injured out of the 3. Still was a spinal and the reason he went with me (as 2 were pretty close in severity) is he has already developed seat belt bruising over sternum area, the other child had moved the shoulder strap so it wasnt over him. They all had great vitals through out the 1 hr transport and all turned out okay. The other 2 children stayed and waited for the other ambulance and they made it just as we were leaving. All I can say about transporting pts is that we need to have the ability to work outside of the box and sometime the unconventional is the only option.
  12. Okay 23 years ago I was so happy I met a man that didn't need to watch any sports. WTF happened there is a hockey game on my TV

  13. Thanks put it on my favorites
  14. So which one is it, you cant have it both ways
  15. None of mine have been answered but I didnt expect them to be, and with the admission that she has lied to us already on her profile, Im not to sure if I personally would even except the answer's as the truth.
  16. Feeding children properly starts from day 1 of starting solid foods. When my boys were getting started on food I started with plain rice pablum, then when pureed food was introduced they started on veggies. Some one said to me "When you start feeding your boy make sure you do fruit and things like sweet potatoes last. I made my own baby food for them all and followed the advice. When they were young if you offered them an apple to a candy bar they picked the apple 90% of the time. Now the other fact is where I live there are no fast food outlets is a factor in that they ate healthy and when we traveled they wanted to eat at places that served meals not fast food. It was my responsibility to make sure my kids ate healthy and no one elses. I was very lucky that they loved things like stuffed green peppers and escargo. They love to try new foods even today when we pick a restaruant (when i visit them) it is to try something new. They also love to gather their own food. They now come home to get fish and deer, enough for the year. They have dinner parties and they serve good food. People need to understand if you eat out of a box it is going to taste like cardboard. The other big factor in young parents feeding their kids is economics. It costs less to feed your kid junk over good healthy food, so I guess until good food is cheaper then food in a box it is just going to continue.
  17. I asked the question and you answered exactly how I figured it went. thanks
  18. Happiness

    I am home

    Well welcome home Cookie and I hope all is going well............
  19. Can you tell us how the pt felt about it all. I asked earlier but I tend to carry on and sometimes things are missed
  20. congrats again scotty you will do fine and you two make a beautiful couple..........................cant wait for the wedding pics congrats again scotty you will do fine and you two make a beautiful couple..........................cant wait for the wedding pics
  21. I remember my first dead one and it was ewwwwwww you want me to touch him, and touch him we did all the while I was going OMG why did I pick this job.. Everything you said about the scene sounds pretty normal and the guys that want to prime (break the ribs) the pt for CRP well let them do it because it is the most disturbing feeling under your hands you will ever feel. I had a young fire fighter trying to do CPR (he had never done it before) and wasn't doing the compressions hard enought so I put my hands over his and primed the pt. The look on his face was devistating and from that point on I will make sure that I am the one doing the priming.
  22. OMG Idiotville is a real place

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Happiness


      hee hee i will next time oh by the way who it is the mayor

    3. tcripp


      don't know his name, but I think he was last in his class :D

    4. scollins1191


      I think there is one in IL too. lol

  23. Okay I have decided to read up on this topic and am posting some of the sites for you all to comment on. I really do not like the responses that HLPP has made but have decided to look into what can be done about the problem of transporting obese pts, as in reality it is a growing problem in our health care system. http://www.the-aaa.org/about/positionpapers/morbidlyobese.html http://www.usfa.fema.gov/pdf/efop/efo39810.pdf http://www.independentmail.com/news/2010/apr/30/heavy-lifting-medical-first-responders-pay-price-h/ I liked this one as it does mention a price of converting an ambulance, it mentions that the service is unable to refuse an obese pt. but most of all it states that if you invest in the converting you as a service will be able to save in insurance costs because your medics will have less injury http://www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ANAMarketplace/ANAPeriodicals/OJIN/TableofContents/Vol142009/No1Jan09/Bariatric-Patient-Handling-Program-.aspx#USVA06 from nursing points of view It is very apparent that the obesity is very much on the rise in our communities. So maybe the question should be posed to all ambulance services is Are you prepared for a bariatric patient, if no then maybe they should become that way. As I have been reading this and other information there are ways to deal with these patients without sliding them onto a floor in a non emergency setting. If as the OP says the other service does exactly what she refused the pt for then the transferring hospital should be the first line of pt advocacy and make sure that their pts are being transferred safely within an ambulance that is properly equip. Pretty much as far as I can see the OP should never have been put in the position of having to refuse the patient in the first place and her service should maybe refused the transfer saying that they were not properly equip. I have to admit that I have been kind of forced to learn more about this topic and thanks MG for bringing it forward. We have two options that I have seen used here for medivacing the obese here, one is to call in the Military Buffalo out of Nanaimo and the other is a special plane and crew from Alberta. In looking at all of the equipment that really is required to safely transport an obese pt I can now see why our Lear jet isn't used.
  24. Really now you couldnt have come up with a better response than that to MG. And since you say you are a manager you wouldn't even come up with a discussion on to the why's that is poor management skills at its best. A manager resolves issues, and termination for something Im sure could go to court is not the resolution I have read each and every response to this thread and Im sorry HLPP you brought alot of this on yourself. Lets take a look at this whole thing. So first you have made good comments on other threads but like others have said this one has made you snap a bit. You have said your obese and a bit hypersensitive to this topic. Ok lets look at your profile pic if that is you, Your a pretty blond girl that looks a bit chubby and you have big boobs which make women look even chubbier than they really are. So by being chubby is it fair to say that really if you had a choice to go to an appointment safely and compfortable you wouldn't take it. I dont think that is true and I think you would probably wait. The other thing is that I am sure the OP did go back and talk to this pt and explain everthing to them. Maybe MG can comment on that What did the pt feel about this whole thing because really that is the bottome line. You are a 23 year old Manager well that is not a real good time line of experience and you will learn in life that policy is not always right. There is a ole addage that says After Me you come first and that is so true in this profession. My safety comes before the pts and the pts safety comes befor the greenback. I agree with the others in saying there is something that has happened to you to make this type of response.
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