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Everything posted by Happiness

  1. AK I have a question for you Were you brought up with a certain religion as a child. You remind me of one of my best friends that was raised JW, raised her kids as JW until as she calls it she saw the light (that light was her going unconsious as her JW ex-husband was choking the life out of her) She is now a devout atheist and sometimes she is just mean about it. I have found that people that are that strong in being an atheist have had a traumatic experience. With me it was a priest telling me never to enter his church again as I was a product of the Devil.(all I did was faint while in the choir). I am a fence sitter on this subject but would like to think that there is something after death. I go to church 2 time a year and if our priest asks me to go I will. I go to weddings and to funerals so I guess in the most part I hope Im going somewhere but who knows. Ruff I have a question for you also. If you believe in Adam and Eve were the creators of us all, did we all come from incest. I did ask a religious person and was told, oh the bible talks of there being others? Just wanted to know your thoughts on that.
  2. Sorry to hear of your loss Kaisu, I ditto Tniuqs......................
  3. All of my sons are the same. They eventually grew in the pit hair at about 17. I agree that if it is worrisome to you then you should have a dr. check him out good luck with puberty
  4. Same place, I remember going into chat and there would be Terri, aussiphil, scotty, dustbunny, and the drama queens, the internet stalking and AK there to figure out the fakes. We had alot of fun (thanks scotty). Then there were the paragods that would come in and tell you, you were an idiot and then came squint who atleast gave you the chance to learn and then called you an idiot lmao. Still like being here and seeing people get crotchities knickers in a knot, and dwyane with his sense of humor and what I like the best is "they have all stopped checking my gramar and spelling" think its been 6 years for me now
  5. Nope cant say that I do we are EMR and PCP up this way.
  6. Im up on Haida Gwaii, The islands just above Vancouver island. Richmond is nice.
  7. What part of BC did you go to? And welcome to BC. Might see you sometime
  8. Well off to have deep fried halibut and fries, might have a drink or 3, and I think a deep fried mars bar is order.....happy anniversery honey

    1. Happiness


      Well fish and chip place closed. Went somewhere else :( hubby sent his back so I went and got a steak and just fried it up for him :)

  9. Happiness


    Well that figures. Okay but if the man is older and his sperm making equipment is older wouldnt the sperm be effected ?
  10. Happiness


    Again Im a news junky , I found this artical and found it interesting enough to share. It also beggs to question the fact if a woman is over the age of 40 they are asked to have an amniocentesis because of possible birth defects, so if it true a womans age is a factor would it also not be true for a mans sperm? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44329025/ns/health-childrens_health/
  11. what an Uff-da this is! :-) Two Minnesota mechanical engineers were standing at the base of a flagpole, looking up. A woman walks by and asks what they were doing. "Ve're supposed to find da height of da flagpole," said Sven, "but ve don't haff a ladder." The woman took a wrench from her purse, loosened a few bolts, and laid the pole down. Then she took a tape measure from her pocketbook, took a measurement, announced, "Eighteen feet, six inches," and walked away. Ole shook his head and laughed. "Ain't dat just like a voman! Ve ask for da height and she gives us da length!" Sven and Ole are currently serving in the United States Senate!
  12. Happiness


    WOW is all I can say................ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44324012/ns/us_news-life/
  13. WOW AK you read my mind
  14. Surprising enough even though we live on the ocean we dont have alot of water rescue or drownings. Most of us are very aware of undercurrents and tides and teach our children where they can and can not swim. 2 quick stories though 2 town alcoholics were sitting on the Government dock drink Vodka. There is a bit left and the one holding it say's its his, the other grabs it and throws it into the ocean and say ok then go get it. He did, and this guy couldn't swim, had polio as a child and was pissed. Lucky for him there was a bystander that jumped in and got him. Personally knowing the tide etc I would not have and the ocean is very cold. We have a slough here that is just a big mud pot when the tide is out. A silly boy decided that he was going to try and cross it, (instead of the bridge that was built for that purpose) Half way through he got stuck to his waist and started to cry for help as now the tide is starting to come in. We only had the ff at the time and they tried everything they could think of to get him out with out causeing damage. It came to a point that they had dive teams there ready with tanks incase it became that dier. They manage finally to be able to get a winch and with a dog harness pulled him out. He was still bruised up but not dead. I also do not go and play in the mud. I had made the choice early in my career that I am not rescue, I am the one after rescue and I have always made sure that my scene is as safe as possible, if there is any question I dont go in. I do this because yes I want to go home to my family and also I know what they do to people in the back of the ambulance and I don't want to become a patient while on a call.
  15. I dont know if it is to late but my boss who has horrible arthritis has started the gold shots. They have taken the pain away about 80% along with ibprophin. Hip replacements these days are easy than before and from what I understand you are up and at em in a few days. Good luck
  16. http://www.thegrio.com/news/is-the-cherokee-nation-cutting-off-its-black-roots.php This is an interesting event. Lona ago in Canada when a native woman married a white guy the lost their rights (They have since been returned) but if a native man married a white girl she got all the native rights (which has since stopped). These white women that have gained these rights still to this day have their rights but the new wives do not recieve status. In order to become a status Indian in Canada you need to be at the least 1/4 blood and prove your ancestory and in Alaska (tlingit/haida) you only need to be 1/8 blood to recieve status. Personally I dont think they should just kick out people that have been a part of their nation but so much time has gone by most of these black desendents probably have enough Cherokee in their blood to be recognised. If they dont want further Blacks into the system then they should start it now. Any other thoughts
  17. So you know Crotch I didnt post this to prove your point in any way. I wanted to share something that pertained to this thread. Also until you post with the attitude that you are not above us, you will always get the same responses, so learn from your mistakes as you have stated you have the ability to learn from them.
  18. is hoping all you guys on the east coast are safe and sound

  19. One of the problems we have had here is that getting a Dr's app. Honestly you could wait for months (I have). Comming through emergency was a way to by pass that so we would get called. What our hospital did to help correct this was, in the morning (you have to call around 8 am) you call and ask to see the Dr. on call. The days that the on-call doc is on the appointments are kept open so you can get in that day, and if not you call the next day. As for the frequent flyiers, I know we get tired of them but there is going to be one day that they really do have an emergency and you will be caught of guard. I have a flyer and one day he was unresponsive and drunk. I did notice this time he was a bit more out of it than normal. I didnt really think he was more than drunk as all vitals were good. They did a 12 lead on him and he has a left sided bundle with bunny ears (which really dosnt mean alot as I dont read the strips) but now I will look at him alittle different. Also with the ones that just call use them as practice. Give them a good look over pretend your back in school doing your final test and after think about what you missed. I do
  20. http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/Coloring-History-Tragedy-128392763.html So as 9-11 is comming closer to the 10 year anniversery there are going to be many activities going on in NY. The other day I was watching the news and there was a new coloring book being published for children. I have found a website that shows a picture of an Navy Seal shooting at Bin Laden, it goes as far as the bullet being a part of the picture. The book is intended for 6-8 year olds. Personally if my child came home with this book it would become fire starter. I cant imagine anyone actually creating this coloring book. Just thought I would throw this out there for those to comment
  21. Oh again it has happened. I read these forums and something happens so to put alittle twist I think the following senerio (my yesterday) will put a question to your ability for diagnosis in the field. This call kind of supports Crotches argument (omg i said that out loud), but it also will support the limitations of field equipment and I have always agreed that you should treat your patient but most important you should LOOK at your patient, but that can even be decieving. Called 28 yr old Man down unresponsive 9 am Scene (its safe) As you approch the scene you see a male, supine, wearing light clothing with a hoodie laying in tall damp grass. The temp is about 8 celsius. The RCMP officer tells you as you are starting your RBS. The males name and that he had called at 3:40 am his phone provider stating that he was going to take all of his pills. The RCMP officer also say's they have been looking for him but where unable to find him until now. Hx Mental illness, perscription drug abuse, street drug abuse (extacy and cocaine), ETOH abuse. Prior intervenus drug use. (you know this because he is a family member) Primary Survey Skin-border line pale and normal color (no cyanosis), cool, and damp, there is also no motteling in the limbs. Airway is open Breathing is present Radial Pulse easily felt Eyes- Pin point 1 and not reactive GCS-3 No signs of trauma Patient placed on stretcher and put in Ambulance (as this is a small town (gotta luv it) you are able to have someone call the Mother and have her meet you at the hospital with his perscribed medications) Secondary survey BP 118/80 (you have cut off shirt and hoodie and notice old scaring from track marks, no fresh ones) Pulse 103 regular Breathing 10 effective O2 is 95% (you put 02 on my mask @ 10 liters sats go to 100%) You are unable to get a BS as his fingers are cool and refuse to bleed (as you are trying to push out the blood he makes a weak attempt to withdraw (but just so slight)) You administer your Narcan sub q as you are unable to find a site for an IV. (patients GCS goes to 5 (pain response, sternum rub) and immediatly returns to a 3. You are 3 minutes from the Hospital You arrive and you give your report to the nurses, they go and do their thing, get lab in, and start their Narcan protocols. Also get a temp of 34.5, so warming protocols start. The mother arrives with a plastic bag of empty pill bottles approx 30 most empty. So many I just handed to the doc and said good luck. He had taken all of the ones that make you sleepy, Lorazipam, T-3's etc. Labs come in and they have confirmed most of the drugs in his system with the addition of cocaine. Also his potasium was at 7 (just thought I would put that in for those who may understand that stuff). Potasium on the second set of labs went down to 3. After and hour and a half of pushing Narcan his GCS dosnt go above 5 and will immediatly drop to 3. His vitals stay stable but he wont wake up. Dr is Medivacing him and intibates for airway protection. Crew comes in and does their thing and then we are off to the plane. I had a minute to ask the medic this specific question, "why do you think he wont wake up?". His answer was that because of all of the drugs (some last longer than others) and the combination of them, they may have cause hypoxia of the brain. He even said "even though your pulseox registered 95% when you messured him, it is NOT going to tell you what the 02 levels are deep in the body going to the brain and remember that he was out in the cold and damp and that is a big contributing factor." Im pretty confident that my treatment was good and well thought out, but was my equipment wrong or was it just not able to do something that we may feel it should. Now since his sats went up immediatly and his airway was open I did not bag him. Now if I did bag him would it have made a difference in his O2 levels deeper in the body, my mind thinks so but with the drug influance I'm a bit at a loss on this one. Sorry it was long but I felt if I didnt give you the whole story it wouldn't make much sense. I asked his mother before she was able to get on the plane how he was and she stated that he hasn't woken up yet. Im not sure if he is still intibated or not as she is not a good communicator.
  22. FIVE RULES TO REMEMBER IN LIFE: 1. Money cannot buy happiness but its more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes than on a bicycle.2. Forgive your enemy but remember the bastards name. 2. Forgive your enemy but remember the bastards name. 3. Help someone when they are in trouble and they will remember you when they're in trouble again. 4. Many people are alive only because its illegal to shoot them. 5. Alcohol does not solve any problems, but then again, neither does milk.

    1. tniuqs


      milk stops heartburn, but booze kills the pain.

    2. uglyEMT


      It does when there is some Kalua in it LOL

  23. Ok I completely confused. Are we talking MI, Diabetic, CVA or a combination. And when I give ASA it is to a conscious pt not an unconscious one, so please set me on the right path..
  24. I am going to do my Diabetic Emergencies Protocol which is the following Indications Known diabetic with Decreased LOC whose history suggests Hyper or Hypoglycemia Contrainditions Person known to be allergic to glucagon I will do the following A primary survey, A history of diabetes, A base line of vitals, Signs and symptoms sufficient to suggest hypo or hyperglycemia, Obtain capillary blood sample. If BG is < 4 mmol/L and unable to follow commands,I will give oral glucose and if I have no response, I will administer Glucagon and Initiate transport. If BG is > 4 I will be going into my NYD protocol and be administering Narcan.
  25. Well lets hope that if they black list them they are the ones punished. You cant make them socialize off hours or be best friends but I would hope that the guys are mature enough to work WITH them.
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