So it is well known that in the US and in Canada expect to have lower scores on apptitude tests with their minorities. So my son who is Haida (or Status Indian) has attended a RCMP information meeting and he was told there that if you are of first nations your test score has to be this number which is lower that if you are white. His response is that his white side is going to take the test..........
Just because you can have lower scores dosnt mean that is what you should strive for. Here (which is all I can speak for) our schools system is run to the lower denominator, so there for the kids that want to learn to a higher standard are screwed, but again with that being said, I personally think that if a child wants to learn they will find a way, for example the young man that has been my boys friend for years was the sucessful applicant for a full scolorship in Hawaii, and he got it because he worked hard at school even if ment he had to do his academic courses by corespondence. We all make choices no matter what color our skin is.
"My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world".- Jack Layton.
Not that Im big on politians but these are the last words written by Mr. Jack Layton and I think it is appropriate for all races to live by........I certainly do try