This isn't about the cell phone but its pretty close. Recently the RCMP has installed lap tops into their vehicles. I notice a few times that they seemed alittle preoccupied when they were stopped around town. I decided to scare one one day by sneeking up and baning on the car. (I thought it was pretty funny but I was alone in that thought) I then pointed out that if they are busy on a computer then wouldn't it be a safety issue hence my prank. Well today I was talking to an officer and I was informed that in the cities they are driving, talking on the radio and also trying to get the files done on the computer while driving. Now if that isn't a safety issue.
We also have cell phones in our car with the only purpose it to keep in contact with dispatch and other emergency responders. The attending is the only one that is to use it while the other drives. I have a personal one that I carry but with call display I don't answer the call unless it is safe to do so and I never answer it while on a call. I guess commen scence is hard to find these days.