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Everything posted by jcroteau

  1. I find working legs definitely helps with lifts.
  2. All I'm looking for is reviews of the programs you guys attended. I don't need you to compare them to other programs....just tell me what you thought of them. So I can make a more informed decision for myself.
  3. I'm just looking for grads of the above programs to tell me what they thought of it....or what people have heard about the programs.
  4. I live in BC, NAIT and SAIT appear to be good programs (received an offer to NAIT yesterday...and so far have been very unimpressed with the way SAIT has been conducting their selection intake). A little apprehensive about SIAST as there is essentially no pre selection screening and it appears you will have a couple restrictions on your license if you take it out of Sask. I've heard good things about Holland but man that is alot of information to cram into 6 months. As far as my goals....Looking for a well estabilshed program that has been consistently producing good grads...my end goal is to get onto an ALS fly car. Perhaps you can be more specific with what kind of goals you are referring to.
  5. Looking for recent grads of the following ACP (EMT-P) programs to either PM me or email me at jcroteau_12@hotmail.com with how they found their respective program NAIT SAIT SIAST Holland College Thanks!
  6. Fire vehicles do have permits....they just dont need to renew them annually. I know this because our SAR group has to reapply every year to the MOT and everyone got their panties in a knot as to why we have to yet fire vehicles dont
  7. This is absolutely illegal. Every emergency vehicle needs to obtain a "Flashing Red Light" permit from the MOT.
  8. Just looking to see how many services in Canada utilize ALS fly cars or rapid response vehicles. I know in BC we do in the Vancouver area.
  9. I have actually talked to someone from the College in the last week regarding the ACP scope of practice. He stated that once the PCP scope is brought inline with national standards the ACP scope would be next....I'm assuming this would mean Magnesium, Calcium, Surgical airways and NG tube insertion just to name a few.
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