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Everything posted by Ontariomedic

  1. Scarlet Baric ....the last name just made it unsexy.
  2. Well technically America did stay out of Europe, only that instead of the Germans attacking it was the Japanese. And the retaliation was catastrophic, two nuclear bombs killing and crippling many I believe the number was around 200,000......with most of the casualties being innocent citizens. The thing that ticks me is that some Americans cant seem to grasp the concept that America has made some bad decisions. Yes they have done many great things for a lot of people, but some citizens just believe blindly that every war and act of war was/is justified.
  3. This is the kind of mentality that gives America a bad rap. Yes, 9/11 was a tradegy, no two ways about it, but does that justify invading Iraq? Remember just like the way we teach our children that we can solve problems without using violence the grownups could really use that same advice. All war does is just ignite more war.
  4. Hey all, wondering if any of you have watched this film with Nicholas Cage? But I was just curious, how do you guys feel this movie represents the paramedic/EMT profession and lifestyle? I personally love this movie even though some parts are over the top and was just curious how all the medical professionals feel about it.
  5. I'm from Mississauga and will be attending Humber in Toronto this fall.
  6. Forget trying to get the highest score, try to get the lowest score I got 0.015 secs booyah.
  7. 28.141 I suck garrrr :x
  8. Thanks guys for the answers and the advice, Its reassuring to know that Toronto does use a navigation device for sure, but yeah for now I should just focus on the content and do as well as I possibly can in the program. Hopefully in 2 years Toronto will be on a hiring binge and I wont have to worry too much about being unemployed. Going to keep my fingers crossed. Again thanks guys for the input! its very much appreciated.
  9. Hey all, I have been reading the forums for a few months now and I've decided to ask a couple of questions that are concerning me. Firstly I should give a little bit of background and introduce myself. My passion in EMS started early in high school and by graduation I knew this is the only profession I would want to pursue. After high school I wasn't accepted into the program and decided to start upgrading some courses, and getting more background to help me get in. Unfortunately another year went by and I was not accepted again, so I decided to take a year of a pre-health general arts program, CPR & FA, BTLS, and started to pursue my F class, as well as volunteering in the ER at the local hospital. Finally I was accepted to almost all the schools I applied to this year and I'm a happy camper and will be attending Humber this September. I am extremely excited to finally be able to realize my dream of becoming a paramedic, and fall cant come soon enough ok now onto what the post was originally intended for First question, now this might be kinda meaningless because everyone says I will get used to it, but it is a concern of mine. The EMS agencies I would like to work for is either Peel or Toronto EMS, probably leaning more onto Toronto. My slight concern is the confusion of driving in the city. I'm still not all that used to it, as I the majority of my driving experience is from the suburbs where the streets are a grid opposed to a maze with all the one way streets I'm worried that while driving I would miss a turn or mess up in a similar way. So I'm wondering are the ambulances in these services equipped with navigation devices that have all the directions mapped out on a computer screen to drive to the scene and back to the hospital? I'm already trying to learn all the major streets so I wont have to rely on a computer but I would like to have it as a backup just in case. Secondly and more importantly, I have heard in the past year that PCP's in southern Ontario are not in demand. Now I was wondering what does Peel or Toronto look for in hiring PCP's? I'm guessing A-EMCA scores, and the centralized paramedic testing, but I was wondering if they look for anything extra that I may be able to obtain from now until the time I graduate? any extra courses I can take or certifications so I give myself an extra edge over other graduates for the job. Thanks for taking the time to read my post guys! and looking forward to being an active member in the EMS community
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