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Everything posted by MedicDelta

  1. Yeah I just saw it, not realistic but there were some moments where I laughed
  2. So tonight on Comedy the new TV show featuring 3 EMTs in Chicago will debut in Canada. I know it's been out for a couple weeks in the US, has anyone seen it? Is it funny? Is it somewhat realistic or way out of the ball park? Is it worth watching? I'll be tuning in to see it, hopefully it gives me a few laughs. Do you guys think it paints a bad picture for EMTs in the public? It'll be interesting to see how the show plays out once it's on tonight, hopefully Denis Leary doesn't disappoint.
  3. Wow thank you sir that means a lot.
  4. Thanks a bunch sir
  5. Thank you for the advice I will do my best!
  6. Roger that, thank you
  7. Agreed military is a special case. For me I've always had a high respect for military, emergency services and healthcare. That's never gonna change.
  8. No problem at all sir
  9. I don't ever recall claiming to be a PCP. You might have misread something I said, I believed I said that in the future I wish to work part time as a PCP for my local EMS station. But trust me I never said I was a medic, cause I'm not. My dad has shared some bad stories like the time he had to do CPR for over an hour in a helicopter, and a few other stories about him loosing patients. I know it's not a fairy tale. But it's the work I want to do no matter how hard.
  10. I'm really sorry for coming off as a completely ignorant teenager who's here to argue or something. I'm really not that guy. I said some things I regret and I'm truly sorry. I respect all of you no matter what you think of me for what you do. I hope you can all be a little more patient with me cause I don't have 10+ years in EMS, I have 0. I don't want to go into EMS for the glory or anything and I know it's gonna be tough but it's what I want to do because I enjoy helping people. I'm here to learn and I've already learnt a lot. So thanks for teaching me. There is no other job I want to do, this is it. And I'll listen to what you guys have to say because you know a hell of a lot more then I do. At the same time please understand I know my situation better then you do so before you judge at least let me explain it if I can. Thanks.
  11. Your right you all do. I will do my best to fit math and chemistry into my grade 12 schedule, and if I can't I'll either take those courses after high school or talk to the college that I might be attending. The college is CMA certified so I don't think there totally useless lol. But hey I'll do some more research on it. Thanks.
  12. All I'm trying to do is thank all you guys :/ maybe you don't want to be called heroes and I can understand that but no matter what I look up to EMTs/Medics cause in my opinion there doing a service that is extremely important to society. I'm sorry if I somehow keep offending all of you, I'm not trying to do that. I'm here to learn as much as I can cause that's all I want to do.
  13. I know you guys know a lot more then I do. And I am listening to what your saying but no one here knows my situation. Therefore no one here can really understand. But thank you all for your input
  14. Found this picture awhile ago. Thanks to all the EMT and Medics out there you guys are all heroes to me!
  15. As I've mentioned.... But nobody seems to listen, I don't need to take chemistry or physics because the college that I will be going to that offers PCP doesn't require them and I won't be able to take them in my grade 12 year.
  16. I am taking math as I just mentioned. As for chemistry and physics I don't need them. College doesn't require either of them to enter there PCP program and I won't be able to take them grade 12 year
  17. It was a scenario... And I'm not trolling lol, but thanks for your input. You have a nice night
  18. No of course I don't. But in most large cities in Canada they have AEDs in malls, schools etc. And I don't think people who are severely injured are gonna care if I have medic equipment, in fact they'd probably be happy about that. And I'm not trying to replace EMTs or Paramedics. But what you seem to be saying is that if I walk past someone who's bleeding from his femoral artery I should just leave him be and wait for an ambulance. I'm done arguing. We've both said what we feel and while I respect what your saying I don't agree.
  19. "Early access, early CPR, early defribillation and early ALS". I understand, I'm 16 I guess I appear like a whack job cause I have a medical bag that carries more then your average pharmacy, that's because I want to help and I can help. As for the chain of survival thing, it's unlikely that EMS can provide early CPR, early CPR is gonna be done by your passer by, that's me. Nothing I carry in there is illegal or out of my scope of practice as I do have medical training. And your right, no one here does know me so with all due respect I don't care if you a think I'm a whack job cause I just want to be ready to help people just in case. That's it.
  20. Sorry if I did something wrong? Cause your confusing me. I thought people in the EMS community would be happy that someone is contributing to the EMS chain of survival. Without me your patient might die. It could take up to 20 minutes for an ambulance to arrive to a scene and during those 20 minutes who's gonna be helping that person? Me. I don't know why that's such a problem.
  21. Well Mike physics I'm not gonna take. That's for sure, don't really need to. Math I'm gonna talk to my guidance councillor about. Chemistry I'm not so sure about yet.
  22. found this to be pretty funny. Be safe out there.
  23. I'm not a Paramedic/EMT but I do have medical training. My Trauma Bag has almost everything you could ever need from the basic injuries to life support. Some stuff I carry is: stethoscope, BP cuff, gauze and QuikClot, non-adhering pads, SAM splint, C-collar, nitrile gloves, EMS knife and flashlight, small scissors, EMT shears, tensor bandage, 3 rolls of different types of tape, adhesive bandages, isopropyl wipes, BZK chloride wipes, providone-iodine, cold packs, CPR face mask, notebook with pen, EMS vital statistics notebook, triangular bandages, CAT tourniquet, penlight, pressure bandages 4x4 and 2x2, 2nd skin moist burn pads, polysporin, combine ABD pads, confirming bandages, oral glucose gel, survival blanket, moleskin and some basic medications. (I didn't mention everything just majority)
  24. My names Caleb. I'm 16 in grade 11 and plan on becoming a Medical Technician in the Canadian Forces. I also hope to work part time for my local EMS station as a Primary Care Paramedic. I've wanted to be a Medic for quite some time now, taking as many courses as I can to prepare me: Athletic Injury Management, Sports Strapping and Taping Techniques, First Aid CPR/AED level C and hopefully Emergency Medical Responder this summer. I really love pre-hospital medicine and have a high interest in it. My dad served in the military as a Search And Rescue Technician and part time for EHS Nova Scotia as a PCP. He's where I got the idea to become a Paramedic. I'm new to this site and hope to meet some great people who I can hopefully ask a lot of questions to cause I never run out of questions.
  25. So I'm highly interested in becoming a Paramedic in Canada. It's not only a dream career for me it's a passion. I am interested in joining the Canadian Forces as a Medical Technician and working part time at a local EMS station. A CF recruiter told me if I can't get into the Med Tech program I can take a PCP program at a civilian college and do a direct entry in the CF. Problem is the CF and the closest Paramedic program(which is CMA certified and partners with the DND) "require" me to have academic high school math, biology and chemistry or physics(civilian program only wants bio and math). I have Biology, no chemistry/physics and no academic math. There is almost no way I could take chemistry or physics, but I think if I really needed to I could take math. Math is not my strong suite at all, I'm absolutely horrible at it. And truth is I don't want to have to take an academic math. But if that's gonna put me behind should I? My dad who was a PCP said that taking an Emergency Medical Responder course might help equal things out. What's the best option here? Biology is no problem, I absolutely can't take chemistry/physics but maybe I can take math if I really need to. Will the military or the college not even consider me if I don't have math?
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