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Everything posted by mwc0404

  1. yeah yeah yeah, i can write properly just choose not to here online lol I dont like punctuation! I also like my sentences to run and run and run. haha
  2. Not that this helps or not but im in AEMT school now and FISDAP is the required testing format for the entire class. From what i understand most classes these days are switching to the FISDAP platform for testing. Hopefully from what im hearing that FISDAP claims a 90% pass rate on the NREMT im hoping so and that it really helps when it comes time for me to take the NREMT exam.
  3. I cant speak for anyone else but to add in my 2 cents for what its worth between high school and college to get into AEMT school and medic school afterwards ive taken physical science, biology, algebra I and II, geometry, anatomy, physiology, psychology, and composition and rhetoric. Im not sure there is much difference in canada but you will need at aleast a similar array of courses. Although i didnt take chemistry thats a hardship ill endure when i advance to medic school and take my pharmacology coarse. Also being certified as an EMR before EMT and AEMT school didnt hurt either.
  4. Welcome friend! I to am a student in an aemt school and like you im older than the other students in my class and i can tell you that it wont matter that your older as everyone will bond in light of a common goal of passing and becoming an emt.
  5. mwc0404


    Thanks, im glad i found this site!
  6. Welcome back and Congrats.
  7. mwc0404


    Hi everyone. My name is Brandon, Im a current AEMT student. Before going to AEMT school i was a firefighter in a volunteer capacity and due to the amount of calls being medical calls i discovered that i also enjoyed the medical side. through the county i became certified as an EMR and that allowed me to respond to more medical calls and also ride with local EMS units pretty much anytime i wanted (which was quite frequently). Now im in AEMT school and have been guarented a spot in paramedic school at the completion of AEMT. I love learning more and more and welcome any knowlege and tips that anyone already in the field has to offer.
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