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Everything posted by R8DR_EMT

  1. 62% Dixie. Just under the Mason-Dixon Line...hmmm. :dontknow: Lynyrd Skynyrd anyone?
  2. :headbang: Guilty as charged!
  3. Hello, my name's Queenie! Somehow I don't see Johnny Cash saying that up in Folsom.
  4. HI! I'm Berilac Dogwood of Shadydowns...nice to meet you.
  5. Usually I use these.... 1. I was under the spell of the Post Luncheon Fire Fighter Narcolepsy. 2. I was taking my mandated OSHA Safety Nap.
  6. We're on scene of a slip/trip/fall type call and our team of 2 EMT-B's and 2 Medics start assessing the patient. Usually the Medics let us do all the fun stuff, like assessment, some treatment and packaging. Well this day, our Lead Medic tells us he's going to place the young lady on the LSB. So, the other Medic (pretty senior guy) goes out to get the LSB....he comes back in and says out loud "Hey, there are only two backboard straps in the kit"... our Lead Medic says "Um...isn't that all we need".... I know...not too funny, but you would have to know the Medic's in question....LOL
  7. Nice..... :occasion5:
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