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Everything posted by GEMSEMT

  1. If you've ever been called for an ATV rollover and needed another ATV to get to them. If you've ever been called for a Motorcycle versus cow and had the dispatcher call you asking for hamburger when its over. If the Fire Chief responds to the station on his tractor (Mine used to). If the police call your unit out for your TIC to locate a person who has fled on foot from a scene.
  2. I agree with this statement to a degree... apparently there are some EMT's out there who are using this device and not their skills when assessing a patient. Indiana (or at least my part of it) took these off of our units for about 4 months. We just got them back. Apparently the Docs in charge of the state EMS protocols feel that since they don't actually teach how to properly use one in EMT-B class then no one can figure it out on their own. Then they changed it so that local Docs can approve use if they feel unit won't abuse them.
  3. Here in the great state of IN we have few procedures available to EMT-B's. We can do basic first aid, Duel-Lumen Airways, ASA and Inhaler assists, AED Cardiac arrest management. We recognize the I99, and NREMT-P, and we have an additional level available to us, EMT-Advanced. It is a cert that allows Saline IV's and Cardiac Monitoring of basic rhythm management. In my county though we don't have medics available to us... 2 units are EMT-A. The rest of us have to fly by the seat of our pants and hope for the best. If the patient is gonna be a multi-system trauma that will involve extended scene time we use the Cincinnati Air Care flight team... Otherwise we load and haul tail. :twisted:
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