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Everything posted by amartin

  1. I think two of the most redicilous runs that i've seen in the past year was this summer...A patient called an ambulance for a mild sunburn and insisted for them to bring him in...we were bustin out laughing on the phone when they called in the report... the next one would have to be patient waits in the er for fifteen minutes for weld burns to the eyes and yes i understand it's painful,but chest pain and TMI's come first...patient gets all pissed off at us...has the spouse drive them down the road a few blocks then calls an ambulance to come get him....the ambulance brings him in, the er staff sees who the person is when they come in the back doors, and they sit him right back out in the waiting room
  2. ok so thursday i passed my PA and hare traction, but failed my KED only because my patient kept moving and i didn't tell them to stop so my leg straps weren't tight enough but i get to re-take that part on the 18th and you betcha that i'll get it right even if i have to keep pullin my straps to the point where they can barely move....
  3. thanks all you guys for the help...last night/morning when i finally got in bed all i could do is say the entire PA sheet in my head :? things are becoming clearer now i just gotta work on my 150 ? take home final
  4. I've got the PA checklist...but somewhere between the mech of injury and apparent life threats i get really confused on what i'm missing or forget to say...
  5. ok so patient assesment is about to be the death of me considering that my practicals are on thursday... i somehow get mixed up in the scene size up and the inital assesment down to the ABCs... any advice on making this click in my lil head?
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