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Everything posted by 7Fissy

  1. Cell Block? The guy that I banned from Firehouse.com EMS forums a couple years ago? Check your PM's!
  2. Can I join? That's what we carry so much KY Jelly for! Best place for a medical fetish... In an ambulance.
  3. False hope. Come here to get advice, and you get just the opposite.
  4. Why can't you just ignore it, instead of flaming him? This says it all...
  5. So it's okay to be an ass-hole, and treat other people like sh*t on here? Okay, I'll give an attitude like a few of you for a couple days, and see where it takes me! That's what he said????? Opinions are like ass-holes, everybody has one. You have an ass , I have an ass, AZCEP has an ass... Pretty much everyone, has an ass, hopefully with at least one hole. That said, just like we all have them, we all have opinions. He didn't mean that only ass-holes, in the figurative sense, have opinions.
  6. I've been reading for about three years, in fact, I was crushed when they switched formats. Although, the color change was good, because black was depressing. The forums.... How many threads have gone from a simple question to an all out hate fest? About 99% How many threads have gone off topic and ended up in insults? Nearly all of them How many threads have been locked for the above reasons? A few too many, but they shouldn't have gone to shit anyway. It's the fault of too many unprofessionals that think they know-it-all, seen-it-all, done-it-all. Why is there so much hate in the forums? Because some people are afraid that someone new, may know something that they do not. It is hard for people to accept the ways of others, especially those they do not know, and things that are done differently than they do. For instance, I'm a Paramedic Instructor at a community college. But, I also teach Con-Ed to seasoned professionals, I have to drill into to these old minds that "you can't do it that way" you actually have to follow protocols and document them. It's even worse when we have to teach them something new. CPAP was a horrible expirence, the "we don't need that crowd" changed their minds quick, and the "It's just an expensive version of the demand valve" got a lesson too. But none changed their attitude. The chat rooms... Why do we have people who will chat but hate posting because they get insulted? Less time to think, more of a person to person deal, I'm better in person than on paper, so to say. Some people will seem smarter than a doctor, but be horrible medics in person. Why do we have people who post but will not chat because they also get insulted? Some people don't do chat, maybe they have better things to do? And what about the site in general.... The main page states roughly 6900 registered users, how many actually visit this site anymore? Maybe some registered in case they want to reply, but just forget about the site. Why don't they visit? I covered that. How many were bothered by the items listed above and want nothing to do with this site anymore? Probably a lot, some people just do not like being in the company of ass-holes. And oh yeah, I'm not quitting this site, I love being a pain in the ass!!! Darn, because you will probably be one of the people responsible for a couple good medics not comming back. Seeing the site as a waste of time. They don't come here to talk to people who are big headded and full of themselves. They come here to talk to other people in the same field. But when that field, which ever of the 50+ they are in, is the target of the so-called hate, why bother?
  7. Minus ten for making the forum a fools paradise.
  8. I've been reading this forum for a few years, and just now decided to register... Seems to be the popular thing to bash anyone for any reason. Ask a question, get bashed, flamed, or called an idiot. As long as you’re not a volunteer (doubly bad if you're from New Jersey); a Basic EMT (god forbid a first responder); thin-skinned or highly self conscious; have poor grammar or spelling skills; or basically do not know less than the first person who replies... You'll be okay. Used to be much worse! A few people left, started bashing on other forums; emtlife, trauma central, ems village, etc. Same crap, same people; just makes the place more interesting. Prolly the only reason I come back to read it a couple times a month. Almost like real life, except I don't think anyone on here has killed another user, yet..?
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