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Everything posted by safetynett

  1. what is HYPOESTHESIA
  2. 1. Yourself: happy 2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend?: none 3. Your hair: short 4. Your mother? needy 5. Your Father? God 6. Your Favorite Item:coffee 7. Your dream last night: none 8. Your favorite drink coffee 9. Your dream car: Element 10. The room you are in: living 11. Your Ex: highschool 12. Your Fears: poor 13. What do you want to be in 10 years: alive 14. Who you hung out with tonight?family 15. What You're Not? unhappy 16. Muffins: ick 17: One of Your Wish List Items: skiing 18. Time: 0816mnt 19. Last thing you did? ate 20. What You Are Wearing? pj's 21. Your Favorite Weather: snow 22. Your Favorite Book:adventure 23. The last thing you ate: eggs 24. Your Life: awesome 25. Your Mood: tired 26. Your friends: amazing 27. What are you thinking about right now? shopping 28. Your car: van 29. What are you doing at the moment?: typing 30. Your summer: fun 31. Your relationship status: married 32. What is on your tv? regis 33. When is the last time you laughed? evening 34. last time you cried? ? 35. School? ongoing
  3. Annie, all i know is you're one of the best friends I could ever have. Safety
  4. as an RN and Instructor I couldn't agree more. Why don't you get yourself a good anatomy and physiology text from the library or college. If there is a teaching hospital or medical studetn library in your area you could try there. A&P hasn't changed so it doesn't really matter how old the book is, but the newer book of course are an easier read and have good pics. Use your internet, my students use www.emtb.com as a resource and it is a ver well set up learning tool. Also, find out what meds are in your scope as an emt in your area, get a good drug book (CPS in Canada) sorry don't know what they are called in the US, and study your medications prior to class, you will have a heads up on every one. If you are enrolled, go to the prof of your class/course find out if he/she has any reading resources you can borrow and get a head start. But def start with the A&P that will be a great help to yourself. Hope this helps.
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