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Everything posted by James_ffemt
Just wondering if anyone has had this situation before.? If so, what did you do, etc.
Called to local transportation company for chest pain. Walk in and find a 30+ y/o male sitting in chair with a bag and purse siiting in his lap. Man just walked into company off the street. Patient has sores all over his legs and arms (Pt. wearing short shorts). Pt denies chest pain but states his "special kind of cancer" is making him hurt. Ask if he wants to go to hospital and he states yes. Once Pt. inside ambulance Pt. states that he has cervical cancer. OMG
They are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! been listening for awhile now.....OKLAHOMANS ROCK!!!!
Yes...It was a figure of speech....We transported rapidly to the hospital...I understand the only medication I was able to give was oral glucose but was afraid of aspiration...With a level of only 27 it was to me a matter of time before he went unresponsive...didn't want to chance it...As far as waking the Dr. up....I won't go there...she's a bi.ch...it would have taken longer to get her up and on the phone than it was worth...we got the gentleman to the hospital and staff started an IV and administered the D50 and the Dr. was still not out of bed....joys of working with some rural er's. I to agree that we all sometimes read a little to much into these things...I am glad I didn't receive the same response as the last post and yes I was a little hesitant before posting this one. Any who....thanks for all of the responses...
Ding Ding Ding You Win the Prize. We are walking out the door with him and his wife tells us he is a insulin dependent diabetic. Get him in the back of the truck and I do a finger stick. Results......27. Holy Crap...Both of us just finished EMT-I school and are waiting to test so we call the ER and ask for the Dr. So we can start a line and push some D50. Dr. is asleep!!!??? So we just jumped in and drove like crazy to get him to the ER. At this point he was not responding well at all and felt like if he did go unresponsive that oral glucose might hinder us. Any way we get him to the ER and they finger stick him cause they don't believe me. It was 25. They got an IV established and pushed an amp of D50. He slowly came around. Also, I am not a paramedic but they put him on the monitor and he was ??? real wide and RN said it looked like A-Fib??? Anyway kinda scary....
Ok. Got a call Monday night about 1am to help an 86y/o male back into bed after falling. Two basics working the truck. We get there and the wife meets us at the door. She says that he has been doing this on a regular basis. States that he seems to be getting up to go to the bathroom or is having bad dreams and gets up from that. ???? We find this guy propped up against the side of the bed. I say hello and he responds back with a hello. We do a quick assessment and make sure he hasn't hurt himself. Pt. is A & O x4. He can answer all of our questions and knows where he is. He is weak but can stand with some assistance. We get him back in bed and cover him up and I tell him to have sweet dreams. Back to the station we go. 2:30am We get woke back up to respond to the same address to help the guy back in bed. Again wife meets us at the door and she tells us that he has fallen again but something else is wrong. About this time we can hear him in the bedroom and it sounds like he his riding on the best roller coaster ever. Walk into the bedroom and he is lying on the floor with one hand above his head and is having a great time. I ask him what's going on and he does not answer. I again say his name and question him about what's goin on. He answer's in a slurred voice and say's yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. I ask the wife if he hit his head when he fell and she stated that he did not. We decide he needs to go the the hospital for an evaluation. Also, he is rolling side to side as he is making his roller coaster ride noise. I am going to leave it here for now and see what everyone thinks it is. More info will make it to easy so see what ya think. James
Ok, I said I wouldn't do this but here goes anyway. Maybe I can make some sense out of what I wrote above. Hind site is always 20/20 and after reading this over and over I see why some of it made you question my integrity. Let's start this off with you knowing a little more about me. I work full time for the Muscogee Creek Nation as an Indian Child Protection Worker. I am a basic and have been for a little over a year now. I just completed the EMT-I course waiting to test for my NREMT. I have been a vol. FF for 8 years and a Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer for 13 years. I understand scene safety very well. As I wrote in the post above I stated that law enforcement was on scene. I then contradicted myself by saying we pushed our way through the crowd(mob) whatever. As we stepped out of the ambulance my fist question to an officer walking by was is this scene secured and safe and I was told yes. We took the cot out of the back and began walking towards our patient. I believe that my estimations were very close to the number stated above regarding the number of people involved. Now let me make this point. I first want to say that in no way is this a racial post or a Black/white thing. 99% of the crowd were black. This due to the great number of black citizens in our community and surrounding areas. Black, white, hispanic,irish it doesn't matter but I say this for a reason. Over the years working in the funeral business, ems, ff and even selling shoes I have come to appreciate how black people watch out for their family members and friends. I have also noticed that in some situations that go to extremes. I have also noticed this in native american families. NOTHING WRONG with this I just want everyone to understand this post and please no one take this in the wrong context. I feel like I need to write this and explain everything in detail. If I am wrong about how black people react in situations like this please inform me. I must say that I spoke at length with a co-worker today (who is black) and she agreed with me on this and actually stated that she would have acted in the same manner. I also talked with co-workers who are Native American and they to agreed with the way they act. Ok, just wanted to clear that up. So as we are heading towards the patient there are 8 or so people around this young lady. Remember PD stated that the scene is safe. We have fire walking behind us to assist. As we approach I can see the pt. seizing and friends and bystanders are screaming "she can't breath". Asking several times for the people to move out of the way we made our way through the 8 or so people to get to our patient. At this point our patient has stopped seizing and is gasping for air. During this time a crowd forms around us. This is when the cussing and hitting on our backs began. We load our patient on the cot and FD surrounds us and we make it to the ambulance. Once inside I lock the doors and FD surrounds our ambulance until we can get out of the parking lot. Pt. is awake with hands over throat and whispers I can't breath. She seizes again. O2 started NR 15lpm. SPO2 was 94% and rate of 22p/m. HR was tachy at 112. A family member at the scene knock on the side door and we asked her to step in and give us pt history and what led up to this event. FYI we also had a FF/EMT in truck with us to assist. Family member gives us brief history, states no ETOH or drugs on this night. ETOH was on board due to smell from breath. During this time pt. seizure stops, line started, and questions asked of patient such as illegal drugs, ETOH, drug allergies, etc. I guess at this point I should be saying seizure like activity. Pt. states she took 4-5 xanax. EMT-P gets monitor hooked up (sinus tach) and we have FF drive to hospital. EMT-P inspects mouth due to pt. still saying she can't breath though SPO2 was now at 96-98%. EMT-P states that her tongue is swollen and then she goes unresponsive on us. So he thinks overdose. I am not the one with P behind my EMT. Ok? He pushes narcan and pt. wakes up. I would say A/O x 3. En-route to hospital pt. goes unresponsive again. Airway still open and her SPO2 is still good. We weren't abut about 1 min from ER when this happened. Into the ER we go and she will not respond to any painful or verbal stimuli. The she begins to seize hard. Coming up almost to the top of the bedrails. At this point we have transfered care over to ER staff. I walk by room and ER DR. is talking about knocking her down and tubing her. So he does, His call, I don't know what made him do it. He obviously saw something or found out something we did not. Comes to find out, pt. had OD or had a reaction to Ecstasy(Spelling?) Anyway that is what happened. I hope I don't catch any hell over putting the rest of the details in. I was reluctant at first but after reading some of the posts thought what the hell it can't hurt any worse. If I missed something or stated something wrong in this post I apologize now. Again I want to state that I was not making this post, in any way, racial. I wanted to paint a picture of what the crowd was like. Our local paper's website is down or I would add links to their news story. One article stated that there was a riot outside the hospital and a small riot inside the hospital. It also stated that the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigations is thinking that this incident is gang related. I have then heard that it was a bartender of the club who did the shooting. Can't confirm until case is solved or someone confesses. So as far as scene safety goes we were told it was. Then it wasn't. If anybody can share and experiences of similar situation please do so and let me know how you handled it.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But your post just shows my point. Why beat a dead horse. I explained the situation, obviously left key points out which made me look like an ass. I have already admitted that. People keep stirring it up. Why I don't know! I give up????!!!!! And as far as dealing with people at their low points. I have been a licensed funeral director and embalmer for 13 years. I know about dealing with people at their most difficult times. It's not an adrenaline rush it about helping people of my community. Before you start talking about things and making assumptions know the person first.
Well, I really don't know where I can go from here. Obviously I didn't give enough specifics in my post. I was in a hurry and posted the highlights. MY FAULT!! I am not going to go back now and tell the rest of the story, 1 because it would look like I was back peddling and 2 for the pure fact that I am sure it would get ripped apart. I know I am not the only one that has been ripped by posting on this website. I know I am not the only one who has had his/her feelings hurt. And that should tell our Administrator and all others involved that maybe something needs to change. We all make mistakes whether we have been in the business 1 year or 30 years. The ones who have been in the longest should take the rookies under their wings and help guide them. Attitudes and smart A** remarks never help anyone. Constructive criticism is great. i have grown up with alot of that playing sport in high school and college. But, just because somebody posts something on this site doesn't give anyone the right to call it Bull Sh*t, nor does it give anybody the right to be treated as I was. I am a big boy and can take it, but I shouldn't have to. I appreciate the apologies from those of you big enough to give them. For the rest of you I will forgive but not forget. On that note, I will no longer post on this website but will continue to read posts and check in now and again to see if I can find useful information. Maybe someday we can all become BROTHERS and SISTERS as I have seen talked about so many times. And you wonder why EMS has the reputation it has. Change your ways here and it will follow you into the field and communities.
That's exactly what it was.
Well, I guess some people post things on here that are untrue and people look for that and look for holes in the story. Thing is, I posted it quickly and put the main parts. Did I actually count each and every person at both places, No. I feel like I am a good judge of things and estimated. Talked to other law enforcement personell and all agree on the same number of people. It's just amazing to me that people want to start calling you a Bull Shi...er without knowing you. I understand where you are coming from and thanks for the $.02. I can promise you after this post is dead noone will have to worry about seeing one from me again.
Mabey go to KOTV.com and look it up???
Here's an actual news clip http://kotv.com/e-clips/Default.aspx?id=3434
Different side of state Ridryder 911. posted Tulsa World clip. Will try to find you guys local clippings. Local bar, 300 + there and about 300 at the er. No BS here. And yes it was a mess and mistakes happened during the call. Was just posting to tell you guys about it. No wonder people leave this site due to all of your put downs and smart ass remarks.
Ok, so last Saturday night my partner and I were awakened by the phone ringing. I answer and it's my supervisor telling us to get in the truck and head to the Bestwestern hotel for a triple shooting. We get dressed and take off. We are about 15 miles away from this location. While we are enroute the first crew gets on scene and states that there is a very large crowd and PD is on scene. Well about 2 minutes later they come across the radio and say they are enrout to the hospital with their patient and shots were being fired while they were on scene. They also stated that the other two victims had gone by POV and the supervisor cancelled us. We continued to head to the hospital knowing that our little ER would need help. Well the supervisor calls back and tells us we have another shooting victim at the scene. We get on scene and there is about 300 people in the parking lot of this hotel/club, police, sherriff, FD, Troopers and Tribal Police. We get out and start to our victim wich we learn is not a gunshot but having a siezure. Pt. was siezing when we came into contact with her. The crowd is hitting us and cussing us and would not get out of the way. PD is no where to be found so we just start pushing our way through. We get her in the back of the ambulance and I lock the door and the Firefighters surround our truck. Pt. still siezing and complaing she can't breath. ETOH on board and she stated between siezures she took zanax. We head towards hospital and the above mentioned law enforcement pass us code 3. We get to ER and there is another three hundred or more people there fighting inside and outside the ER. We are escorted in, moving another OD pt. out of the way so we can get ours in and FD is takeing care of her. Bird was on the ground when we get there and they take 2 pts. Another bird drops in and takes 3rd GSW. The OD outside goes unresponsive so we grab her and put her in the ER and our pt. starts siezing so hard she is coming past the bed rails. Dr. puts her down and intubates her and calls another bird to come in. So we had a triple shooting double overdose plus they had a patient waiting to be seen that had been stabbed in the head with a rust screwdriver by his wife. GOD I LOVE MY JOB!!! Everybody survived!!!!
Well this post was a shock to run across on this website. I am pleased, very pleased. I too have been called to the ministry. I accepted this call for about a year and was the pastor of a church I attended when I was young. God has called me to minister to people and I have found many different ways to do so. When I worked in the funeral home I was able to minister to people all the time. I also was able to minister to people when working for the local youth service agency. Since then I have not been picking up the phone when God calls and have not been ministering to the people I take care of on the ambulance unless the ask. I do however pray for them silently sometimes. I think that EMS is a great ministry. You must first get it in your head that no matter what the call there is something you can do to help that person. I see so many medics gripe and complain because someone called for an ambulance that has a sprained ankle or belly pain. SO what. They need help and that's what we are here for. To help people!! I think that you are making a good choice. I know in the last few weeks that I have had the TUG again and I have been doing alot of thinking on how to get back into the groove. Don't let the burnouts of EMS get to you and do what God has called you to do. On another note: I think it's great that there is really some spiritual people on this site. I would like to see more of that than all the cussing and sex talk. I am guilty to but that is another thing I have been getting the TUG about. "DO I stay on this site or remove myself because of the filth" A question to ponder. James
Well ok. I talked with one of the paramedics that has worked here for a long time. He is a pretty rational guy and I knew I could trust his opinion. He told me to talk with this crews supervisor or the supervisor that was on my shift that day. I opted to talk with my supervisor due to the fact that the other one is a complete idiot. She was glad I came to her and asked me to talk with the BIG BOSS. So I did and explained what I had saw. She thanked me and assured me she would take care of it. No problems on my end and all of this will stay confidential so my name doesn't become mud around the station. I haven't heard what happened with the guy and I am sure he will have some excuse but I did what I thought was right. Thanks for all of the reply's. James
I could understand using it to cook but our stove at this station has been broken for months.
Ok...I walk into the station Tuesday morning to relieve the crew who just finished their 48. Since it's so hot I have been drinking alot of water and had brought some to put in the fridge. I open the fridge and there sits a six pack with one missing. I know it wasn't there Sunday morning when I left and this crew came on. Also, it has been a suspicion that one of the guys drinks alot. What would you do?
How I hate thee firefighters, let me count the ways....
James_ffemt replied to hammerpcp's topic in General EMS Discussion
Not that I can say much more than everyone else has but I am going to try. I am a vol. ff and work ems as well. I am also in the process of testing for a paid position at a fire department. Seems like a simple solution. Train your local ff. If they are not required to be first responders or higher go and train them. It may be your butt one day that they have to save. Don't you want to know that they have the knowledge. Ever think about going to the FD and having dinner or lunch with them?? Maybe answer some questions or talk about scenarios. I have a BS from a great school. SO why would I want to work in either ems or as a ff. It comes down to serving your community and the people who live in it. Everybody needs to quit being so pig headed about this. If your so dang smart than why are you making so little money. If that pisses you off than do something about it. I think that full time ems people get so burned out because that don't get paid enough and they work their butts of. Then they find things to bitch about like ff and all the frequent fliers they run on. It doesn't matter if you have ran on the person 100 times. You have a job to do and if you don't like it get the hell out. I chose ems for a reason. For sure not the money, but to help people in need. Everybody needs to get off their soap box and learn how to get along with each other. You might not think so now but one day you are going to need the person your bashing on this board. -
Ah Ha On Top AGAIN!!!!!!