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  1. Both of the services I work at have kits made up to access the port-a-caths. At the hospital service we had to take a inservice about the caths and we had to access 3 under the eye of a ER nurse. Triple lumen's are also use able. County service said here it is use it. Neither place has a problem with us using them "if it is there use it"... If we are only accessing with a saline lock we have to push 10 cc of heparin. I always hang NS kvo...
  2. The only commit I have about the upper age limit is that a paramedic that I worked with for years is currently in his early 60's and his prostate is not in the best of condition. He can make a person crazy with his several trips to the bathroom at night. Still sharp with his skills....
  3. YES as a matter of fact I would. I believe it was the discovery channel has a show on last week that had a police officer from England that was in pursuit of a kid in a stolen car. The cop was hit head on and he lost his eye sight, but he did not lose the vision of being a race car driver. There was a racing company that worked with him and designed a car for the quarter mile drag. The car was rigged with sensors that attached to his head to direct him, sensors to the shift knob to tell him when to shift and also sensors to tell him when to brake. He managed to go 133 mph in the quarter. I do believe that is pretty damn good for a blind man in a race car.... Every one yells show me prove-- I would like to see the prove that a deaf person is such a danger to the field of EMS or to the pt. Come on, I am from the SHOW ME STATE.....
  4. =D> So glad to see some one else that realizes EMS involves more than just sticking a stethoscope in your ears. Lung sounds and B/P are very important but there is so much more that can be done with out the use of your ears. I was taught back in 1989 that one of the most important parts of a survey was to touch. Don't be afraid to touch your pt. Like Alco said when some one loses one sense they strengthen the others. They know how to monitor their surroundings without hearing, they can sense vibrations better than those of us that can hear. When this thread first started I was pretty pissed off at some of the wise cracks being made about the hearing impaired. I have a family member (uncle by marriage) that is deaf and mute. No he is not impaired in any other aspect. He was held under the faucet in the bath tub with the hot water only when he was very young, it scared his eardrums to the point he was deaf. He was to young to be talking so he never actually spoke. He can feel the vibration of a car's exhaust before I can hear it. And unless he is in very familiar territory he is always looking around to catch what is happening around him. I myself would not have any trouble at all working with the hearing impaired. I would welcome the challenge.
  5. Come on guys, what's wrong with the fishing poles in the oxygen door??? The city cops can take you to all of the good spots where the fish are biting.
  6. To all the veterans out there. How would the new generation like doing a lift test with the old Ferno 2 man cots. Talk about a lot of awkward lifting. All the way up to all the way down and then back up and in to the truck. Thank god we have gone a purchased the new stryker power lift cot. Push a button... done....
  7. A-FIB ????? Way to regular. Cardio nurse--- I see your cardio nurse and will raise you a cardiologist. LOL
  8. CLOWNS----- Cannot deal with clowns. Have a t-shirt that I wear on days off-- CAN'T SLEEP, CLOWNS WILL EAT ME!!!!!
  9. Yet another one... This happen just this morning. Our other crew took a transfer to a specialty resource center. They left about 0230 was back by 0500. They left the truck on 1/2 tank of fuel and a banana peel and candy rappers is the floor. When I confronted the off going medic she said well it's not like I don't clean up after other people. This person has been giving the nickname of rat-girl because when she moves in for her shift there is not a clean flat surface left in the base, and usually leaves it dirty. Talk about lazy.... Thanks for the vent.
  10. Hmmmm. I guess it would be easier to just say EVERY THING about ems. Cleanliness, being on time for your shift, clean pressed uniform, paper work (computer work) including billing sheets. Proper pt care and treatment. If I had to place one at the very top it would have to be vehicle maintenance. I simply can not stand working in a bus that is unsafe, and being maintenance officer of our fleet I am very anal about my mechanics keeping our buses safe.
  11. Just my luck, my death was not found. Does that mean I am immortal??????
  12. WOW a toughie.. My poke at it is SVT into a junctional rhythm with bigemeny PJC's???????????? Would be a good one for doczilla or erdoc to look at. Or any other MD, DO also.
  13. can not get link to work.
  14. Along with what pmedic623 said our hospital sets out signs encouraging in coming services to go to the break room and get free soda and sandwiches. Not really a big thing but it does help when they are to busy to get something to eat..
  15. Are we really going to go through with this same sh%t that has already been discussed? Admen if you really want, we can start to repeat the other thread. It is absolutely impossible to discuss this topic with DUSTDEVIL, again he is way to above any EMT-b. He is in desperate need to have another medic there to back him up at all times. I get so sick of hearing the mighty DUSTDEVIL run down EMT-b's. Mr. GOD that has never made a mistake in his life. Has never made a judgment call that did not turn out the exact way he meant for it to. MR. PERFECT has his opinion and no one else can comment about it because they are always wrong. For GOD sake why don't you get over your self and go back to nursing so you can be with your bedpans where you belong. I have never heard someone so hung up on them selves.
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