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Everything posted by mobey

  1. I can't believe the hostility towards canadians on that forum. How dissapointing. I was going to post, but naa.... I am not going to degrade myself to respond to these slack-jawed yokels. Oh well, as long as they feel good about THEMSELVES as they slowly kill off thier community. The monkeys will continue to beat eachother!
  2. Hey Ev01, This is the EASIEST way to become a prehospital healthcare provider. 1- Stay out of fire 2- Start taking a 6 credit A&P, as you take your EMT-B 3- Take any other classes you can while you work as an EMT-B for the manditory hours till you can get into Paramedic school. These classes should include Math, Medical terminology, Pshycology, and whatever else you can that relates to the profession. 4- Take a few days to yourself to forget everything you learned "On the street" 5- Start the longest Paramedic class you can find 6- Never believe anything anyone tells you that differs from what you learned in school unless there is science to prove your education to be wrong. That's it buddy, simple 6 steps to becoming a competent EMS provider.
  3. Ahhh, yes, happy thanksgiving everyone. I had my turkey with a radio on my hip surrounded be co-workers......
  4. I'd have pushed Narcan 1st.
  5. Thanks so far guys & gals. We don't do alot of carrying down stairs to be honest, mostly just the 3-5 steps down the front step or deck. hmm... Maybe we should be looking at the new model without the tracks. How much extra weight are the tracks? Do the tracks "retract" out of the way if not in use, or do they always stick out the back side?
  6. Leave it... my kids bring in enough pretty rocks :roll: A bowl of raisin bran
  7. We are in the market for a new stair chair, just wondering if you guys can provide the pros/cons for either of the named brands. Also wondering how often you guys use them? We have the old crappy orange ones now and rarely use them. Obvioustly we are looking at the new style with the tracks, and know little about them.
  8. Dude... your puke is neon green? You gotta get out of chernobyl!
  9. I am not interested in getting involved in this pi$$ing match, but I would like to respond to this question if I may. I have found I could understand these preticular patients given what they and thier families would have/have been going through. Terminal brain/lung cancer Late stage huntingtons disease Lou Gehrig's disease End stage heart failure I used to have the mindset of suicide being selfish untill I did a recent call. 72 y/o male diagnosed with brain cancer, inoperable. Started experiencing memory loss, pain, and loss of co-ordination. He wrote a letter telling his family he loved them, and did not want to put them through the slow death. He called 911 c/o a headache, went out to his front lawn and shot himself. I thought to myself.... I probably would have done the same... I am gonna die soon anyway, why not make it painless for me, and quick for my family?
  10. I'll take it, and add it to my emergency medical kit in my trunk, I'll leave a pumpkin
  11. Just an observation: I don't know who this is but I have a couple ideas as to why: 1st off I don't see the great Canadian "bought and paid for" beer belly. This absence leads me to believe this guy is not a canadian and may in fact be a U.S. EMT-B trying to impress the girls by sayin he is a Paramedic in ontario. So he puts on some Value Village uniform that looks like hammilton's and had his buddy pop off a pic next to one of thier rigs. 2nd possibility... I notice an impatient 1/2 smile, like as if to say "Do you know what I am capable of, back home I carry a glock in my boot". This makes me wonder if this preticular gentleman was a Play-by-his own rules, and refused to wear the stripes just to prove that he is an individual. 3rd possibility.... I gotta wonder how old this guy really is?? Ya the ambo in the back (possibly photo-shopped) looks fairly recent... but notice the radio on his left hip. Looks a little nostalgic to me, I am thinking this pic was taken sometime in the 70's. Anywhoo, I did some googling and ran across this pic......hmmm
  12. I'll take the T.V., mine sucks.... Leave my old one!
  13. This is the only prayer I use when things get hairy: Jesus Christ, Slow Down!!!! Yelled at my driver
  14. In a word.... Yup.
  15. Age is definatly a factor, I would also wonder if they were experiencing any abd pain or cramping, pain/discomfort anywhere in the torso can be an indicator for a 12 lead.
  16. You know originally I read this analogy, laughed and hit the red X. I have decided to come back to it today and snip it to inser onto the first slide of the next contiuing education class I instruct. I plan to challenge my peers to come up with as many things as they can to be written on the board, that they do, and really have no educational background as to "why"!! This should be fun
  17. No No, I was just throwing out my DD, keepin the wheels turnin you know. Damn I knew I would get caught with my pants down, I was thinking to treat the acidosis caused by cardiac arrest. I am not going to lye chbare, I am 2 mos into a 2 year program, I really do not know this stuff that well.
  18. That would be the term... Thanks buddy. Sinus Brad OK 1st year Paramedic student here (just started Pharm last week so teach me oh wise ones) Atropine 1mg. 5% Sodium bicarb bolus ummm.... 250ml (ok, pulled this out of the air, don't really know this drug yet..please school me gently) Vitals Is he breathing on his own?
  19. Naa, I just got a new one.... leave a small bottle of syrup of ipecac
  20. Sounds good to me, three min down with CPR, V-Fib, lets light him up and see what happends. Initial thoughts Congenital defect (may need a internal defib) Acc pathway Myo/endocarditis (since we have no history.... ok it's a far stretch... in fact I change my mind) Blunt force trauma causing a rythm disturbance (Damn, can't remember the medical term) Cardiomyopathy Large PE
  21. Running into... how hard? what area of the kids body, head, chest, etc... consider spinal precautions based on answers Hook up the AED or leads if manual what do we see? OPA, BVM (for now) compliance? IV establishment. Rapid head to toe for obvious trauma (gunshot) Oh, is there a parent around for a medical history?
  22. First off: Yes I realize each service/country/state is different, but I am quick to give my fellow practitioners the benefit of the doubt. It is protocol here (my service, perhaps province wide...Squint??) that if my patient fits certain criteria, no matter what the weather, terrain etc. we call the chopper. It is ultimatly up to the pilot to make the call if he will fly or not. Yes I can lead him by saying "We are in intence fog" or something of the sort, but how do I know how high the fog goes? Perhaps he can land on a clear hilltop nearby?? Just sayin, this could very well be the case in this story.
  23. Not to mention quite embarassing, not that it has happened to me yet, but I heared of a gal that tried to jump from a cot, but was strapped in, so she ended up on the ground with a cot half on top of her while the medics who had been holding the ends with one hand as they walked stood in total dissaray.
  24. How do I view this neighborhood (ghetto?) What is the temperature and what time of day is it? Approach the patient: Airway? Breathing? Circulation? Skin condition and temp? Pupils? Medic alert bracelet, or shoe tag? Any swelling of the face? Does he respond to verbal, or pain? If so what is his responce? Start gathering info from bystanders while my partner obtains BGL, From bystanders: Past medical history? What was he doing prior to collapse? Anyone know if he has ever done this before? Any seizure activity? Drug or alcohol use?
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