OK I highlighted 2 points of yours I would like to respond to.
Point 1: Simple, I am taking a 6 credit college A&P that costs over $1500, that is now that I have completed my introduction to A&P that cost me $650. You are talking about doing a free course online??? Which of us will come out better prepared for Medic school?
Gas was a pretty poor analogy, but I will respond with: I know my gas will get me where I'm going!
Point 2: (Your BLS way of thinking) I have said this a million times, and I will never stop! HOW DAMN LONG DOES IT TAKE YOU TO MASTER A BP AND RESP COUNT??
Seriously... I had ALL my BLS $hit mastered during my practicum and clinicals..... really people, can't you come up with a better excuse than "I still don't know how to do my job" to justify attempting to care for anyone at such a low level of care?
BTW: In my province BLS includes 8 meds, IV's, 3 lead monitoring, non-visualized airways, on top of all the crap you claim takes at least a year to "Master"
Look I know I seem hostile but the point is this: Working BLS, although does give you some patient contact, does not give you the right kind of contact. Without starting paramedic school and obtaining some in-depth medical education, I don't know if you can ever understand what I mean. The way you view your patients is different, the way you assess, the way you interview, everything.
If you attend a good emt-b school, they will supply enough clinical experience for you to master the "basic" skills you need to enter the EMS field.