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Everything posted by mobey

  1. Well Dust I think that is part of it, it must also be noted that the same crap on this forum is being dealt with daily by those of us still in the rat race! Plus.... It's the weekend :wink:
  2. OK I highlighted 2 points of yours I would like to respond to. Point 1: Simple, I am taking a 6 credit college A&P that costs over $1500, that is now that I have completed my introduction to A&P that cost me $650. You are talking about doing a free course online??? Which of us will come out better prepared for Medic school? Gas was a pretty poor analogy, but I will respond with: I know my gas will get me where I'm going! Point 2: (Your BLS way of thinking) I have said this a million times, and I will never stop! HOW DAMN LONG DOES IT TAKE YOU TO MASTER A BP AND RESP COUNT?? Seriously... I had ALL my BLS $hit mastered during my practicum and clinicals..... really people, can't you come up with a better excuse than "I still don't know how to do my job" to justify attempting to care for anyone at such a low level of care? BTW: In my province BLS includes 8 meds, IV's, 3 lead monitoring, non-visualized airways, on top of all the crap you claim takes at least a year to "Master" Look I know I seem hostile but the point is this: Working BLS, although does give you some patient contact, does not give you the right kind of contact. Without starting paramedic school and obtaining some in-depth medical education, I don't know if you can ever understand what I mean. The way you view your patients is different, the way you assess, the way you interview, everything. If you attend a good emt-b school, they will supply enough clinical experience for you to master the "basic" skills you need to enter the EMS field.
  3. What are floppy's?? are they like those big black vinyl CD things I saw in a meuseum?
  4. Dispatch: Medic 1 you are responding to the manor (full of frequent fliers) for a 76 y/o female c/o shortness of breath, headache, leg & back pain, dizziness....... uhhh.... would you like me to continue? Me: Negative dispatch, we get the picture, you can show Medic 1 enroute, and standby for a no-transport!
  5. Well buddy... you are probably fighting a losing battle! Recognise that these people aren't just calling for the toe, it is about attention. Whether it is a 16 y/o girl who is trying to get sympathy or a lonely old timer who has not seen anyone in 2 weeks, for the most part these are pshyc calls, and there is no stopping them. As a sidenote, that is the reason I work rural, we filter out alot of that non-scence, but not all of it!
  6. This statement is one I will respond too. I have just been accepted into University of Alberta's full time Paramedic program, the instructor there told me (regarding experience), "I hope you have very little, the more BLS crap you are comfortable in, the harder it is for me to break you of old habits." He went on to tell me that one of his biggest problems is students always reverting back to bls because ALS is new to them and they are not comfortable in it. What he was getting at is, ALS is a different entity, you don't even approach your patients with the same mentality as an advanced provider as you do as a basic. In a perfect world he would like to educate paramedics from the ground up, part of being a good Paramedic is being good at bls skills, but really how long does it take to get "good" at blood pressures? If you cannot do BP's or count resps after your practicum, you should be re-taking your clinicals. I mean really.... these schools are pumping out EMT's AND Paramedics who can't take a pulse rate? or use a BVM effectively? Simple math, it takes 6 mos to be an EMT + 1 year to get good, then 2 years for P then a year to get good at als. Total time before the world sees a "good" medic, 4.5 yrs. Option 2 (zero to hero) 2.5yrs to obtain ALS/BLS education, 1 year to get "good" = 3.5 years Seems simple to me! *Really.... if there was no such thing as an EMT-B, we would just have a bunch of really good als providers who can't take a BP or recognize a "load and go" situation?* :roll:
  7. To answer this I need to know what specificaly you are trying to achieve?
  8. I'd like to go straight to the chest for a listen?
  9. Dammit... I should have just said it, instead of asking to be told! Run the fluids to maintain BP. Contact recieving hospital, Call poison control? hmmm not to sure on that one, don't really see a need.
  10. Multivitamin, or a specific vitamin? Better get a line in. Bolus of Diesel to the ambulance, I can't fix this internal problem!
  11. Hold off on the AC if you think it is a caustic substance injestion. AC will cause vomiting and further burn the esophagus and oropharnx
  12. Or so you thought
  13. I have heard of using IV epi for severe anaphylaxis, but have no idea what dose, so i'll patch a doc and get some ideas!
  14. Oh me goodness...... Tell me it's April!!! Is this a joke???? I can't watch! :shock: *turns his back to the gang style beating that is about to start*
  15. So did our treatment end the "crisis" If so I would like to know what he did after the bee stings. Oh and why does he have an EpyPen? For Sulfa and PCN allergy??
  16. HAHAHA, alright I'll take this to the length of my knowledge (Canadian BLS) I have not taken 12 leads yet (medic school starts Sept 15) but I believe I am seeing the elevation in lead II,III, and AVF (nope didn't google please correct me if neccisary), I am unsure about the 5mm though, I have no idea what the tolerence is so I will treat as an AMI. IV NaCl 18g, TKO for now. ASA, 325mg Lift to cot, Spray 0.4mg Nitro SL.
  17. Ya I was getting to this....... I am kind of doubting this episode has much to do with the bees. What has he done since the multiple stings? Eaten? Drank? Showered?
  18. Sorry not too interested in Hx yet.... lets get him breathing more comfortably first. SPO2? Pulse rate, and regularity? Partner applies monitor while I draw up EPI. 0.5mg EPY IM, deltoid. 5.0mg Ventolin in nebulizer. Get a line in start diphenhydramine protocol
  19. O2 sats? Air entry sounds?
  20. How is the child acting? How many times has she vomited since she picked her up? Any liquids (outside of puke) on the childs cloths? Babysitter report anything strange?
  21. Quality and provocation of pain? Any associated N&V or SOB? How does the Pt. present - obvious distress? Where was the Pt. arrested from? Violent scene? Party? etc...
  22. I am pretty sure there was just a thread on this.... but I'll answer anyway Simple: I have used both, King is smaller, One cuff, One tube, how can you go wrong?
  23. I realize it is too late to ask but..... If he passed any stored grain, there is a variety of chemicals to treat bugs that can trigger these same affects as seen in common agricultural pesticides. The treatment for these however are the same. Atropine.
  24. How about numbness or tingling? Has the pt been noticing any other symptoms lately? Joint pain, dizziness, back pain..... What position did he sleep in? Distal pulses present and equal? Skin condition of legs compared to other parts of the body? Assess for strength What's the Pt's temperature? OK my Dd thinking right now... Tumor (spine or brain), MS (not likely), infection, loss of circulation.
  25. Sounds like it could be MS, has this ever happened before? Any recent trauma? including ciropractor.
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