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Everything posted by mobey

  1. mobey

    I'M BACK!!!!!

    Perhaps it happened as a reminder to all of us on EMTCity, that we are not invincible. Although we deal with this everyday, it hits home when it happends to one of our own! I will attest to the fact that this play-by-play your hubby has provided was a strong reminder to me that I am human as well, and I am as susceptible as anyone else.
  2. As part of our weekly check we shock our simulator, it indeed does make 2 clicks, then the tape cartrage makes some noise. I would lite it on fire if I was you!!
  3. Well you should have pretty easy access now! *Bad taste I know* :roll:
  4. I checked a cell phone for the first time the other day. The ICE thing is catching on here and I think we could see more and more of it. I have no quams with checkin a phone in the case of an unconcious pt given I have the time, but I won't let it disrupt the flow of my call.
  5. I am still tossing esophogeal varicies around, only because I don't know what they look like. Not too likely the wrench went in his mouth, but he may have removed a nut that was under pressure and caught it in the oropharynx.
  6. Any burns around his mouth? Hair singed? Any vehicle parts around the body? This seems like oropharygeal trauma, although ruptured varicies crossed my mind, but I would expect a bloody mess down the front of the pt, and on the ground.
  7. Is he dirty like he has been covered in gravel, traumatic asphyxiation? naa, probably not. Possibly working on a high pressure line - hydraulics, coolant, a/c, and had a piece of steel shoot into his open mouth. Is the bluish purple the skin color or a foreign fluid on the body?
  8. Ya I especially appreciate it at work. I was trying to contact a doc for cease cpr orders and I had to dial 3 times!
  9. I don't get it then.... what's with the Canadian flag?? I am missing something!
  10. Not to mention have my partner run around the unit to make sure it's not on fire or something stupid.
  11. OK I am sure you have all heard this one, but for those who have not. 9-1-1 what is your emergency My husband has been shot and is dead *screaming* Ma'am I need you to calm down I can't calm down HE'S DEAD Ma'am an ambulance is on the way, is he breathing? I don't know Ok ma'am let's make sure Ok hang on *loud gunshot heard in the background* Caller comes back on the line..... OK I'm sure he's dead now, what would you like me to do next
  12. We always lock up our rigs.....BUT one of the auto locks on the side door does not work, some people remember to manually lock it, some people don't. Anyway... Stopped for snacks and a gentleman thought he would help himself to our traction splint. Funny part is that it was under the 2nd cot? Some people are stupid!
  13. Good points boe, But how can we stop at that? In my mind the tattoo stereotype is based on motorcycle gangs (correct if i'm wrong), that stereotype also includes leather, untrimmed facial hair, and metal (chains, piercings). I may be wrong about this but I believe the people who still have the stereotypes are the older people in our community who saw nothing but bad come out of the people who wore them. How can we now say tattoo's are ok because it is just an expression of oneself and no longer carries the bad a$$ stigma, but not say the same thing for piercings?
  14. *Mobey mutters something under his breath about candy*
  15. I only find it scary if the put it on someone with a pulse. if they are pulseless and apniec (indications for public AED), there is only so much damage they can do. Hey if the AED thinks the asystole is fine v-fib and shocks it.... so what. Now if it interupts CPR then mistakes V-Fib for asystole and suggests *no shock* then we have a problem. Hmmm..... turns out I don't know what my opinion is!!
  16. I am also very interested to expand my knowledge in this area. About all I use either method for now is a comparison on trauma pt's. I will percuss and listen to heart sounds with each set of vitals and listen for changes as the call progresses. But there is no way I would say I know what "Normal heart sounds" are, I wonder if I even see enough patients to ever know what normal sounds like, not to mention abnormal.
  17. No, No.... they had pocket pool too Just playin Doc!
  18. Or just grab the closest vehicle, when the driver sees you bagging an infant I think they'll have no problem driving you to the hospital!
  19. I have not really worked with a ##### partner, but I did work with one who had terrible grammar, man it irritated me to no end! :wink:
  20. Sorry to hear about that Doc, I just wanted to mention that I responded to a 50 y/o male one time with hallucinations. It turned out to be the same thing, a cavernous malformation with a chronic bleed (was his diagnosis) Anyway long story short, he ended up having surgery, and he said he never felt better! I remember specifically him telling me "The minute I woke up I felt something I haven't felt in years.....Hungry" Anyway, I realize he is not your wife, and no 2 people are the same, but I just wanted to share my experience with you.
  21. Or did he????? :shock:
  22. 6echo, you have to admit these changes are in the best interest of our patients. I guess that tells us why your in EMS :roll: Be sure to call the superboard and complain that you don't want to leave city limits, and the rural patients have to wait till thier local ambulances get back because you don't "want" to go. Sorry if I sound hostile but you really sound like a burned out spoiled brat! Perhaps you should work for what's best for the patient instead of what's most convienient for you.
  23. Don't be discouraged, many services have longer times than that. I once ran L&S for 35min to get to a quad rollover at the edge of our boundry!
  24. Good point my swift friend! I guess it's like I always say "stick on the paddles". Of course I mean pads.... but the button says paddles! Non- invasive means no stethoscope in my ears......... Ya, thats it
  25. I can answer for Alberta NR means nothing to Alberta college of paramedics (our governing body) Licencing is determined on a individual basis. You can expect a one on one interview, written exam, and scenario. There is no yes/no answer on out of country licencing, only a "maybe - depends on how well you are educated." Saskatchewan however will probably make you take the ACP bridge program (I believe it is an on-line course + 3 days in class) then throw a licence at you. In canada all licences are based on National Occupational Competency Profiles (NOCP) of the ACP and PCP. So unless the certificate you hold has one of those titles on it this will not be an easy, or cheap transition. It will not be impossible though. I believe it still stands that AB is the highest paying provinces in EMS right now, my Paramedic friend just got a raise to $34/hr working for a rural service. That is the higher end of the pay-scale, but you get the idea. Sask also pays well, but low call volumes in most services (heck you will never see the call volumes, that you have now, in canada!) Start with the Alberta College of Paramedics website, click on "Provincial Exam". Read over the "Agreement on international trade" Then call Karen Reed (At the college) and have a chat with her about your situation. Yes I realize neither of these are BC.
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