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Everything posted by mobey

  1. OK I'm an idiot, but I don't get it. So you lower the lift to the ground, then roll the cot onto the lift. Then lower the cot all the way down, then use the lift to load the cot into the ambulance? To be honest I would rather do it the way we do now, if the other option is to have to lower the cot to the lowest setting with every patient! Now combine the lift with a hydraulic stretcher..... now your talking.
  2. The cot is heavier so you utilize a stair chair more often. I am not sure what your asking? I personally love the thing. Especially for transfers where you go up and down multiple times. Now if they can just come up with a way to load without using your back.
  3. Ya I get the same thing when I say it is QUIET Haha sorry Anthony ...had to do it!!
  4. Hey Dana, Welcome to the site P.S. (You guys have awesome fried chicken)
  5. The problem I have with these parents blaming society for thier bad kids is.... what about the good kids?? Who's shoulders do you put the blame on for the kids who choose to have good manners and be a productive member of society? It seems as paremts we are very reluctant to admit to our faults. When we have a "good" child we accept all the pat's on the back we can get, yet when our children misbehave we are pretty quick to point a finger at the neighbors, TV, school, anywhere but where it should be pointed... the mirror! Ladybear, I hace decided to withold my opinion on this matter because I am not near mature enough or educated about this kind of thing to comment. But I will offer one thing, my parents did exactly what you are doing and it did not work. I went to live with my uncle and aunt at age 16, once there I did more drugs, stole more stuff, and dropped out of school. One thing you do have to consider is if your child gets "sent back home" you should have a plan! From my experience he may be back in a couple months worse than ever. If your solution is to send him away now, make sure you have a plan B. Best of luck, I can't imagine what your going through.
  6. Jeez I was reading this thread through again when I stumbled upon this personal attack I missed earlier. I don't know what I have EVER posted to make you think I am the type to "focus on the fun". I have always been a strong advocate of sound education. Where did you come up with this statement?? It should be noted that I took my EMT in Sask because thier program is longer and far more in depth than any in offered here in Alberta, then I moved to AB to live and work..... Sounds like an education focused guy to me!
  7. The way I see it is the lead instructor has a PhD in adult education as well as 20 yrs as a Paramedic, he should know what he is doing, as controversial as it may be. Alot of stress is put on professionalism and advancing the industry. I relied heavely on reputation when choosing the school I wanted to attend and this school has a good one. I have talked to a few preceptors and employers and they are all very satisfied with the quality of the medics this program turns out. Not only is it one of the longest Paramedic programms offered in AB, it appears to be one of the highest quality.
  8. Learning on a canoe trip/Learning in a cramped classroom..... bah each to thier own I guess. Anyway to update anyone who is interested, I was accepted into the program and will be starting in Sept. (Maybe I'll see ya there HellsBells, you'll know it's me because I used an actual self-portrait for my avatar) <-----------------
  9. Check out the forum title. Aside from that, professional journalism such as this man did pertaining to EMS & Fire is free PR work and can have a profound impact on how we are viewed by the public. This man was killed while in the "Line of duty" as far as journalism working alongside Fire & EMS.
  10. I was taught quite the opposite. I was told that you should not take consecutive BP's off the same arm because applying a constrictive device to the arm messes the pressure within that limb, leaving you with a less than accurate second BP. I will try to hunt down some science to back this theory up, or discount it.
  11. I know a guy who dropped his phone down the hole while ice fishing, he retrieved it the next day, took out the batt, air dried it and it worked fine. Just a cool story I thought!
  12. What surprises me about this is that Spenac is sitting around on a Wed afternoon searching "Lesbian" in google (when he stumbled across a story he thought worthy of bringing to the city.)
  13. This is the only way we learned in school. We were told we will not always have the luxury of extra hands, so we better learn the 2 man way. I have spinaled many-a-person with just my partner since then, although I never hesitate to call for a few FF to give a hand - and they love to help!!
  14. Didn't we just do a thread like this? I honestly can't remember but this seems familiar. Anyway, I always wanted to harvest organs for the black market, I thought EMS would be a good starting point - We'll see what the future brings!!!
  15. You should probably study up on the 3 different sets. 10 drop (gtts), 15 drop and 60 drop. Make sure you know how to set rates on them all. A 10 drop set is 10 drops/ml, a 15 drop set is 15 drops/ml, etc etc. It really is basic math once you get on to it. Ill take you through my set up process. Choose fluid and drop set. Most common will be NaCl and a 10 drop set. I don't use microsets. Inspect outer bag for humidity (Inside), If I see any I discard it and grab a dry one. Open the outer bag and the actual fluid filled bag for clarity, particulate matter and expiry date. Hang the bag up and open the set, close off the flow control. Remove the plug form the bag, and the cover off the "spike" (remember these 2 parts are sterile) Insert the spike and open the flow valve, precharging the line. Close off the valve and thats it. Just remember the catheter end of the set is sterile too.
  16. Damn I missed what he was selling, it may have come in handy! Sometimes I find my house door unexpectedly locked, like this afternoon when my wife asked me to take the trash out.... when I got back it was locked??? I just can't figure it out!! This is as bad as when my parents sent me to summer camp, and when I got back they had moved :shock:
  17. No way man, just use a pen for a cric stick!! Seriously though, if there is a medic or doc on scene (with credentials) I will let thier superior knowledge guide my call. I am not out to prove anything, I want the best for my patients.
  18. Hmmm ..I kind of like the dilution idea. With a small bag of saline you could set it up as a drip couldent you? Maybe that would take too much time. I would love to hear some more conversation on this subject. I totally agree on the no transport thing, I too believe a trip to the doc is warranted.
  19. Measurements?? OOPS this was a thread about professionalism...... my mistake :oops:
  20. All we can do? Nope you can treat the pt and transfer to a facility which staffs appropriate personell. This is not really abuse but abandonment, maybe. The problem is that you are far below a Dr. You are accusing a far higher educated person of being incompetent. Really all the doc has to say is "The Pt. seemed slightly short of breath so I called for a transfer, when I left the room to see other pts he/she was stable and alert. There is no way I could of known he was going to lose Cx. In my 25yrs of medical experience it is my opinion this patient did not need a bedside nurse in his/her present condition when I left the room. Meanwhile you can no longer find a job cause your known as the one who "Accused a doctor" Who knows the condition of the patient when the doc left, Really does increased resps demand a bedside babysitter?
  21. I promice you one thing...... This will not be the last time this happends. I have been called many times to clinics that have general practitioners employed that are not capable of handling even a simple hyperventolation. Think about it, some of these doctors have been in the same clinic for 30+ years and have not stepped foot inside an ER since thier practical rotations. Oh and one other thing, Do you know what they call the guy in Med school who barely scrapes by passing only with the minimum standard? [spoil:f311f6d1f4]Doctor[/spoil:f311f6d1f4]
  22. mobey


    When I googled EMT we were #47 When I googled EMT Forum we were #3.... EMTlife was #1, and 2. Why does it sort them that way??
  23. Someone here is going to give a basic lesson on why you do not withhold ASA just because the pt is on coumadin, that person is not me however because I cannot recall the exact differences. ASA is an antiplatelet and coumadin is an anticoagulant. They do 2 different jobs, but I will leave that to someone more fluent on this subject than me. One thing I will suggest though is that IV comes before Nitro. Nitro decreases blood pressure, sometimes too much, why not have a line to correct that problem if you should encounter it? If you 12 lead shows ST elevation in leads II III and AVF aren't you scared of bottoming out thier pressure? The only contraindications to ASA in my books are bleeds, and allergy. Asthma is the only relative contraindication I know of. Even if they are on daily dose, I still give it.
  24. I gotta ask... How can you not know this basic stuff? No offence but I am what you would compare to an EMT-I and it is clear as anything to me. Your credentials say NREMT-P, so your nationally registered as the highest level of education available in EMS and you don't know how to properly administer D50?? Sorry if I offend but maybe it is time for a refresher course. On second thought, maybe you are asking because you are curious how other areas do it? I administer 1/2 an amp then reassess. I find this is especially important if they are insulin dependant, a full amp of D50 can really screw these peoples day up, and it is not appreciated.
  25. Anyone ever heard of an EMTCity "Fax"??
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