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Everything posted by mobey

  1. I would suggest calling thier supervisor and ask him/her. That would be a really good place to start. You have every right to do so if you wish. Just a warning: When people reply check out the flag under thier name, every region has thier own "standard of care" and policies. That is why I believe it is important for you to ask them directly. It is very easy to figure out who I am and where I am, so I will hold off on giving you any "Official" answers, but BASED ON WHAT YOU DESCRIBED I probably would have waited to remove clothing till we were in the rig. (And even then I dunno if i would have went right to the birthday suit) But like I said every region is different. The hospital I used to bring trauma's to, always told me "Every patient on a board better be naked". The hospital I work with now would rather have underwear left on for Pt. comfort.
  2. I would grab a firemonkey to keep manual pressure on the wound. I am unsure about the above statement. Should we be worried about applying pressure to the carotid arteries or in/ex jugulars? I don't know I am not familiar enough with any problems that may come of this. (if there are any) Occlusion? Vagal responce? I dunno just thinkin out loud.
  3. Yes I smoke No I never smoke on shift or in uniform Yes I consider myself less of a professional because of it. Yes I judge others by thier choices, therefore if they are overweight due to an illness i do not judge and will view them as a professional. However if you choose to smoke in uniform, drink before your shift, and eat McDonalds every meal resulting in you becoming an overweight, out-of shape stinky slob, I will not even give you the time of day to say hello. From my experience most obeise people who are actively working a job such as ours, have only a mild influence over thier weight, I try not to judge overweight people based on thier weight. BTW as my avatar clearly shows, I am 6'5 - 135IBS, can I be judged as unprofessional for being so skinny?
  4. Ya something like that...Maybe $19.25 US. We get paid about the same as a manager of a fast food restaurant or gas station. About a third of what a nurse gets.
  5. http://www.demers-ambulances.com/index.php...mp;productId=48 I vote on these rigs. They are as smooth as a type 2 but as roomy as a type 3. Good fuel milage too. but we will have to order them with the roll cages offered by some other manufacturers. Do we keep the emergency lights? I vote we take them off the in-town units, and only use them for emergency transfers between cities (I assume we will be doing those?).
  6. ^ hehehe If you want to make money in EMS as a basic you could come to Canada. Take your Primary Care Paramedic, make $20/hr while taking your 2 yr Advanced Care Paramedic program. You will end up with about 3 yrs education, then do whatever you want.
  7. Usually I will start off saying "Hi I am Mobey, this is my partner *****, what's your name?" If they are freaking out, before i do anything I will say something like "The worst part is over, the ambulance is here and we are here to help you. Take a deep breath and tell me what is wrong" I agree with not saying everything is going to be fine. I just took a 31 y/o male into the city a half hour away who was having an active MI. About half way he asked me "Just how bad is this?" I told him he was a critical patient, but he was able to talk to me, however I let him know he was in serious condition. He elected to call his wife from my cell phone in the ambulance. When we arrived at the hospital he quickly coded and died. If I would have told him "Everything is going to be fine" he probably would have never called his wife to tell her he loves her one last time.
  8. That's what those pants pockets are for ...Flasks
  9. I agree. The uniform I have to wear includes pants with the reflective stripe and of course 6 pockets. In my pockets I carry a wallet and a cell phone. On my belt...Nothing, that's why I have pockets I think they look stupid and too close to a security guard or cop.
  10. Alright I am not a Paramedic let me ask. You roll up on a car wreck, car vs pole @ 50mi/hr 76 y/o male pt approx 150Ib Complains of Leg pain. Obvious deformity of L femur and open fracture of right tib. Pt complains of crushing chest pain that caused him to veer off the road. BP 92/50 P 88 R 22 some quiet crackles in bases of lungs. Hx, MI x8mos ago, CHF, Smoker x 30 yrs, Enlarged heart, Hypertension. He is not sure what meds he is on or what thier for. So you have D5W, Lac Ringers, NaCl, and all sorts of needles. What size cathlon you gonna use? with what solution? and what drip rate? does this guy even warrant an IV? Please include 5 problems that may occur with this IV. Don't see this as a negative post please. Take this opportunity to show how far the EMT-B course has come since these old Paramedics were in basic school! (SORRY ADMIN I was writing this while you posted. Feel free to remove if you would like, but I am being sincere, not trying to degrade)
  11. I was making a point...I know my scope. The point was if PCP's have advanced knowledge why would you not want to be called a PCP. That was the reason for the comparison to Sask.
  12. ACP= Advanced Care Paramedic ACofP= Alberta college of paramedics That was easy :roll: Please read the first 4-5 posts to fully understand this thread. Or at least let it die, I am getting tired of reapeating myself.
  13. Did you read this whole thread?? First off I cannot obtain my EMT-P because that course is not offered in Canada anymore! Secondly, as long as I have the $$ I will be starting my Advanced Care Paramedic in Sept. And lastly, I think you missed the point of this thread all together. I do not want to be called a Paramedic due to the fact I wish I was an Advanced Care Paramedic (or what was EMT-P), it is to be recognized for the competencies that I have met (that EMT's never have) and to progress the profession. Really, I mean really, are you happy with the same title as John-Bob down the street who took a 2 week course 12 years ago, and doesn't even know how to pronounce the word physiology? In Sask PCP's can draw up Epy to administer IM, Cardiac monitoring, and Ventolin neb. EMT's cannot do any of those things because they are recognized as having lower education. So if you were applying for a job in Sask which are you? EMT or PCP? If your answer is PCP then why would you not demand that recognition in AB?
  14. My thoughts exactly, it causes the liver to dump all of it's glycogen stores and inhibits glycogen synthesis. (Thats why sometimes it works and sometimes not. No stores no glucose). You can't just give a mg of glucagon then have the patient sign the release form.
  15. mobey

    Car Crush

    I didn't realize there were still services out there using them. When I took my PCP one of the students asked "What are MAST pants used for?" My instructor replied "Collecting dust in EMS museums". I have never seen them, and if I did from what I have read (see Dr. Bledsoe's personal website) I would throw them out the back doors at a high rate of speed. Although I have had people tell me how many lives they have saved using them (Again see anecdote based EMS by Bledsoe hehe).
  16. http://medi-smart.com/tut-15.htm this one is okay for 3 lead beginner.
  17. I have already debated this specific thing in an earlier thread but.... In Saskatchewan we were under protocol to lye the Pt. on thier side and swab thier cheek with Glucose. (Even if they were on a spine board) And NO I would never do it.
  18. Sorry to bug again but I am interested in the distance delivery Paramedic program out of Camrose. Anyone here taking/taken it?
  19. Reasses pulse, resume CPR if not present, check rhythm
  20. There is definatly a pattern to the strim, at the 9th and 10th square there is a rise and drop then 25&26 you see it again naa..It's just me being stupid and looking for zebras cause i'm on this forum, V-Fib Final answer
  21. I will have to let someone else tell me what drugs to push (I know epi to start) Maybe there is a Paramedic in the crowd! Ok I kind of pride myself on Rhythm identification... When I opened this post I said V-Fib...Let's shock. But why do I see a pattern. Great now I feel like an idiot, should not have posted. Oh well I gotta learn, I still say V-Fib, but I will still hit analyze on the Lifepak 12 like protocol says. (cheater)
  22. I realize this was geared at US but I answered anyway. I recently did a fall with a closed hip fracture, when I got to the Pt. I realized I Was not wearing gloves. I didn't stop anyway (such a sweet old lady). Long story short, Pt. was MRSA positive and I had a cut between my fingers. Stupid Stupid Stupid. I am now very aware of infection control and greatful I didn't have to contract Hepatitis to open my eyes up. Great post.
  23. K well as Canadian BLS, I will call for ALS backup. Begin CPR, Bare chest & apply combipads. Partner will start bagging with opa and setup for king airway between resps Start asking wife PMHx questions. Did he say anything before he collapsed? Does he have heart problems? How old is he? Whats the rhythm?
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