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Everything posted by mobey

  1. Hmmm lets see, Proper thourough assesment, apply critical thinking, treat, transport, then act as a Pt advocate? What do you think your job is?? If this was a severe toe pain in a diabetic would you visualize and touch? Or is seeing and touching stinky necrotic diabetic feet not your job either?
  2. WOW am I gonna get nailed for a title like that!! Here is a background for ya. I work for a rural service in Alberta. We do about 1000 calls/year. We are registered as a BLS service, there for all our employees are EMT's. Our scope includes, King and Combitube airways, 3 lead ECG, I.V.,Salbutomol, Atrovent, Epi 1:1000, D50, glucagon, ASA, Nitro, AED, and oral glucose. We have about a 5 min transport time for calls within town. Just to lower your blood pressure (you know who you are) I feel EVERY ambulance should have at least 1 Paramedic on it. However the powers to be in management disagree. What I am looking for in this thread is examples outside of cardiac arrest, where ALS is a definate benefit. I am only asking because I have not had alot of paramedic exposure. The argument made by management is that with our short transport times there is no need for Paramedics, and the extra expence would be a waste.
  3. I think the chatroom nonsence has leaked out onto the boards
  4. I agree Brent...We are far too quick to condemn this guy. I think it just pulls on heart strings when the victim is helpless. My statements stand if he is found guilty.
  5. I hope he rots too......Don't get me wrong, this guy should be caned then hung. I just wonder if he was a farmer or electritian if they would have mentioned twice what his job was and specificaly named the company he was working for. I just found it odd that there seemed to me, to be alot of emphasis put on the ambulance aspect of this story.....But ya he should be beat on for a few hours by the families of the victims.
  6. Nope....Your on the Fire side of the hall, We're on the EMS side....Let's keep it that way!!
  7. Nope we are not bashing FF. I think FF definatly have a place in public safety, and when taken seriously are proffessionals on thier own. The problem is that nowadays we don't need alot of full time Fire Depts. Therefor, the cities of towns that emloy these guys give them rubber gloves and tell them they are "Firemedics". Either they run EMS or they lose thier full time job. Now how do you think that affects the community? and how does that affect EMS as a proffesion?. I consider myself a proffesional EMS provider, I am not a FF. And out of respect for FF, if my employer told me to run with Fire or lose my job, I would quit!! I am not going to work everyday with proffesional FF's who are passionate about thier career and proffesion because i am forced to or because it will fill the time till I can find something better! Now remember your talking to proffesional EMS providers....Can you change out the words EMS for FireFighter in the previous paragraph? Do you see why you feel you are getting bashed now?
  8. I don't think these rapes were done in the ambulance. It just states that he was an "Ambulance driver" at the time the crimes were commited. I guess the just want people to think twice about trusting us!!
  9. http://www.templejc.edu/dept/ems/documents...c/Rescue.ppt#11 I don't know if this is what you are looking for or not ... but it's a start. :wink:
  10. *Mobey is feeling ignored because no one will answer his questions* EDIT TO ADD THE FOLLOWING: If anyone else would be interested we could also load up a van full of us canadians and head down. It is about 1800miles (by my crazy gorilla math), so it would be a full day to drive down. We could meet up in Calgary and leave from there. Am I the only Canadian attending so far?? Wait....are Canadians invited?
  11. Ya I'm one of them, although I have seen it written I hav no idea what accomodation means. Care to share a definition?
  12. OK I am not familiar with US education at all....So I probably sound really dumb. But is this entire course 8 months long, including practicum?? If so is this an EMT-P program? Also...What is the highest level of prehospital provider in the US, and how long is that course?
  13. WOW...And what is your opinion on this setup? (I'll bite my tongue for now)
  14. Well I have only came across 1 accident where EMS wasn't already on scene. T'was a single vehicle rollover, there was a passerby stopped and I could see him pulling the driver out of his overturned vehicle by one arm. I slowed down then accelerated hard. My wife asked if I was going to stop to which I replied "I don't need any part of that court case" I think the only time I would stop is if no one else has yet. Probably just ensure airway patency, check for a pulse and do C-Spine (after calling 911 that is). And I would only do those things if I had gloves if there was any blood present.... I am not willing to infect myself with Hep-C to stabilize a patient. I would just tell them not to move, and keep them calm from a distance (never telling them I'm a medic). Of course if she was hot I'd heroically wrap my stethoscope around my neck and ask for her number while she's still shaken and rattled from the reck
  15. Would there be enough interest to hold 2. Maybe a spring and fall? One in lets say West Virginia to catch eastern Canada and US as well as the southern states. Then one in the fall in lets say...Wyoming or Montana to catch the central and western states and Canada. Of course the "Grandfathers" of this site would have to attend both Has there ever been one before? What kind of ajenda are you guys thinking? Perhaps there is someone here *wink wink, nudge nudge* that could get Dr. Bledsoe to do some sort of speach. Anyway, I would definatly fly to MO if it was more than just a come and go tea!!
  16. hmmm......Never really had the problem. *Mobey wonders why he is replying then* Anytime we haven't had enough hands we just called Fire to "Bang and Blow". If no one was available we worked them in thier house till all drug protocols were peaked out, then Paramedic can do CPR till we hit the hospital.
  17. What kind of questions are asked on the written??
  18. racemic
  19. This reminds me of when I got called to Doc's office for difficulty breathing and severe ABD pain. After a 1min assessment, I talked the woman out of hyperventilating and what do ya know, the abd pain went from 10 to 0 and she walked out to the rig!
  20. EMT was "riding th rail" doing CPR on a pt secured to a newer style ferno cot. Going down the hospital hallway they took a corner to fast and flopped the whole cot over....Lesson learned (lower the cot)
  21. hahaha...I love the part where the doc says "we may need an intubator".
  22. resonance
  23. Just wondering what if any procedures your service has thier to-be employees go through, such as, scenarios, tests, interview (1 on1 or interview commitee) etc... We have none but I would like to recommend starting to our management.
  24. I have no idea how in depth the anatomy portion of the US EMT-B course is....But if it is anywhere near Canada's I too agree this could easily be an EMT skill. But I believe it should be used only in cardiac arrest transport times > than 5 min. I'm pretty rocky on this though, feel free to change my point of view!!
  25. Hx of traumatic injury, or recent surgery? When did it start? What was he doing? Has it gotten progressively worse?
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