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  1. Can you give some more info about which Thomas Pack? I heard they're great EMS bags. Do you like it?
  2. Anyone out there?
  3. Greetings everyone! I'd like to you get the forums opinion and experiences with Thomas Packs and Statpacks. Many years ago, I used to have a Thomas ALS Ultra which I really enjoyed but 10 years later, Statpacks seem to be everywhere. Around 10 years ago, Thomas Packs were known to be the best and those who had them, really enjoyed them. My question is, where is everything holding today? Thomas Packs (ALS Ultra) goes for around $600, the Statpacks ALS version with modules goes for around $450-$500 but students or people trading in any old EMS bag get a 35% discount! So it's more like $600 vs $350. To be honest, I loved my Thomas ALS Ultra when I had it but perhaps 10 years later, there may be a better product out there. What is your experience with either or both of these companies? Thank you in advance! http://www.thomasems.com/alsultra.html http://www.thomasems.com http://statpacks.com/product/g2-responder-4-cell-ems-backpacks/ http://statpacks.com/product-category/packs/
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