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    Waverly, New York

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  1. Why does that not surprise me? J/K
  2. Guess who is on top! ME
  3. On top again!
  4. I am on top now!
  5. That was pretty cute. I will think of it the next time I am squeezing the tomatoes!
  6. Okay you caught me, but only if there is flavor left....j/k. TPBM...has children who are perfect angles all of the time.
  7. Kids do say the funniest things....One day my 5-year-old stepson got in trouble and I had him sit in a time out. After a few minutes I said to him - what do you think I should do if you get in trouble again? He looks at me with a straight face and says - well I guess I should be punished exquisitely. I tried so hard not to laugh. He is learning BIG words and it cracks me up when he tries to use them.
  8. ITK I got 31...which if I did the math right is TWICE what you got..... How is that for rubbing it in? This is definitely a challenging game.
  9. Not hardly ITK, your the only alien I know... TPBM....has a secret that has never been told to another human being...EVER!
  10. Too funny
  11. I got 21 seconds....that's pretty hard. Wouldn't be so bad, but it gets faster and faster....LOL
  12. I had a call a with a person who accidently brushed her teeth with cortisone cream instead of toothpaste. This person called poison control and was told that it will not hurt her. She still felt the need to call the ambulance for confirmation. I simply explained to her that poison control was correct. I wanted so bad to say to her, your fine dingbat and your teeth won't itch either, but I didn't. Had another call on the same night....no less....transported the person to the hospital and while trying to obtain information and signatures from the husband he asked me, "do I sign my name?" I stated that would be fine and you can write husband after your name. He stated to me, "I am not her husband, I am married to her." The sad part is he was totally serious. These are two examples when I would use my easy button.
  13. cool link ITK.....I was 13/20......LOL
  14. Sorry Scooty....I think he is horrible. TPBM......wears pink underwear.
  15. I think I would have to carry around my "Easy Button" and stick it right on the front of every person who calls me an ambulance driver or just stupid people in general. Push the button and they would just go away. LOL
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