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  1. Hey y'all im back and better than ever. I was just wondering when you think is a good time to transition to ALS as in my county the paid Medics will never let a BLS unit touch a patient unless they are obviously not injured (weird considering we only have 5 min transport times). I live in Virginia and we still have the I-99 and probably will for a good long time so I was considering taking a class in that or Take a full paramedic class starting may 2017 in my second semester of college. I guess my big question is when can i be sure that I will be ready for ALS (and would it be too much to take 2 nights a week with nursing prerecks) and if the May class is two early would an RN to P class be a good option giving me 3.5 more years of BLS practice before i make the jump. From what I can tell the ALS providers at my squad respect me and my knowledge as a B but I was just wondering if you could give me a little guidance. Thanks yall you rock
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