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Everything posted by Janmarie3

  1. Devil, I would like the public to see us as professionals. I know that as an individual I try hard to keep a professional image because what I do reflects back on everyone who works in ems. I would like the public to know that we do this because somewhere deep inside us we do care about the communities we live in. I would like the public to know that every time we run out of the station we do put our lives on the line to help others. I would like the public to know that when they put their lives in our hands we do everything in our power to ensure they get the best care possible. I really don't care if I'm called a driver, EMT or paramedic...my concern is that I did all I could for the patient. I would like the public to know that we are there for them 24/7 and then some. I can get irritated at BS calls just like the next person....but it comes with the territory. I would like the public to know that they need EMS and the very special people who can actually do the job. If I were to write an article about EMS, it wouldn't be all the negative stuff that we already read about. But I would write on how each and every one of us give of ourselves every time the tones brake the silence of the night... to make someone Else's life better. What life would be like without dedicated em ts, ambulance drivers and paramedics. We save lives and that is what I want the public to know about us.
  2. [/font:3a9c57e80d] I'm Johnny Miss-thang!
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