Hello! I am new hear and the topic of this thread caught my eye, I am a new EMT and very inexperienced. I have never been on a call where someone called 911 because of a headache what do you mean by "just another headache call". I frequently get severe migraine headaches, I have never called 911 because of a headache (I have someone to drive me to the ER if that becomes necessary...and would only use 911 as a last resort). A migraine can be more than just a headache ie..sensitivity to light and sound, extreme pain, vomiting, and changes in mental status. I'm sure there are people out there who call 911 when it isn't necessary, however if I ever am without other transportation and NEED to go to the ER I will call 911 and apologize for the inconvenience. As it has been pointed out several times it comes down to s/s, Hx, OPQRST, etc..