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  1. dust.. ..ive learned a lot about what youve posted on this forum and ill be thinking about you when i start classes next monday..ill keep YOU updated on my progress as well.. my thoughts and prayers are w/ you (and do you think God could resist all of US praying for YOUR safety? ..i think not..)
  2. thats some good stuff right there.. on another note, 8 has THE coolest avatar..EVER! lol
  3. actually, it was canada..but iceland? close enuf, eh?! the person below me has yelled 'THAR SHE BLOWS!' during sex..
  4. this post might seem useless, but i havent posted for awhile... i was talkin' to mom last nite and she was asking me why i was going into ems...so i thought for a bit and i think i figured it out..ive worked customer service for a magazine fulfillment company for 4 years cuz i love helping people out (whether theyre screaming at the top of their lungs cuz they didnt get their vanity fair or better homes and gardens OR whether theyre the nicest people w/ whom i could converse for hours)..i dont let them get to me cuz i know that they arent mad at me, but im the only person from the company to whom they could yell..so thats the first reason..the second reason is the fact that you have to keep learning to keep up w/ new techniques and stuff like that.. the people i admire most would be the people who go out of their way to find more information for you (especially if they dont know it themselves)..for example, i was sitting in my college a & p lab filling out my lab book and labeling the muscles..so i raised my hand and asked for mr. stripling to come over cuz i had a question..so he came over and i was justs wondering, for the sake of knowledge, if 'Duchenne' was French..he told me that he didnt think so and that he thought it was German..so i asked him if he knew anything else other than what the book had..he said no and just walked away...then i was thinking to myself, well, i guess i just have to go home and look it up..no big deal.. ..about 15 minutes later, he comes back in the room and hands me a packet of paper 13 pages in length about Duchenne's muscular dystrophy and says 'yep, it was French'.. ive seen it done here, where people look up other articles for people and stuff like that..or even relate their own experiences to everybody here...thats what i love and thats why im doing this.. Cant wait to see you on the street, -Tyler
  5. those crazy canadians..lol
  6. yeah..thats true..i just got done reading the book "The Know-It-All: One Man's Humble Quest To Become The Smartest Man In The World"...and he gave me my new motto in life: sometimes right, sometimes wrong, always certain... as long as youre certain, you can do anything
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