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    Flight Paramedic, Respiratory Therapist

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    North of the 49th
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    Pressurized Nylon

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  1. Is it worth it? Well I live up in Canada and work as a flight pararmedic in the US (5hr+ drive) So for me...definitely yes!
  2. See you on the other side Dust
  3. http://wweek.com/editorial/3428/11006/?SOURCE=RSS IMAGE: Lukas Ketner BY NIGEL JAQUISS | njaquiss at wweek dot com [May 21st, 2008] What happens when a paramedic gets caught using drugs, loses his driver’s license twice, and fails to tell his employer about his violations of company rules? Not much, to judge by the case of American Medical Response employee David Mull, licensed as a paramedic in Oregon since 1994. Mull, 37, of Portland, remains one of about 14 paramedics on AMR’s high-profile “Reach and Treat” team, which handles calls in the Mount Hood Wilderness and the Columbia River Gorge. Last October, the Oregon Department of Human Services, which certifies the state’s 8,000-plus paramedics, put Mull on probation for “providing false information on an application; unprofessional conduct; habitual and excessive use of intoxicants; and failing to notify the Department of a loss or restriction of driving privileges.” Mull admitted to the allegations, which included “using marijuana several times a week for the past three to four years and cocaine over the last three months.” He also acknowledged failing to notify the Human Services Department or his employer that the Oregon Driver and Motor Vehicles Division had suspended his license for four days in March 2006 and again in August 2006 for nearly an 11-month stretch. A suspended license is big deal for a paramedic. Typically, say industry sources, two-person teams split the driving on ambulances. In other words, for nearly a year, Mull either drove illegally or didn’t carry his weight on the 12-hour shifts. Mull’s supervisor, Phil Moyer, Clackamas County operations manager for AMR, declined to answer WW’s questions, citing company policy against discussing personnel matters. But Moyer didn’t seem overly concerned about Mull’s deception, according to a letter Moyer wrote Nov. 26, 2007—after Mull’s admissions to state regulators. "Dave continues to be a valuable, dedicated and contributing employee in the Clackamas County operations team,” Moyer wrote a lawyer representing Mull in a divorce proceeding. “There are no restrictions that have been placed on him by the AMR medical director.” Since AMR won’t comment, it’s impossible to know whether the second sentence is true. But Moyer’s letter failed to mention that the DHS only a month earlier had placed Mull on five years’ probation and ordered him to abstain from alcohol and drugs, enroll in a 12-step program and submit to monthly random drug tests. Mull’s case isn’t the only troubling one on AMR’s “Reach and Treat” team. AMR paramedic Joshua Keyes of Portland, licensed in Oregon since 2001, also admitted to “providing false information on an application; unprofessional conduct; and habitual and excessive use of intoxicants.” Keyes admitted using marijuana over the past five years and cocaine over the past six months. In October, DHS put Keyes on probation for two years. Robert Leopold, DHS’s director of EMS and trauma systems, says such problems are rare, with only 18 of 8,569 state-certified EMTs and paramedics now on probation. Leopold says both AMR paramedics were put on probation rather than decertified because their substance abuse occurred during off-duty hours. And the agency believes close monitoring works better than revocation because paramedics who lose their certification are free to apply again within two years. Still, Leopold says AMR and its employees should understand the agency is unhappy. “If someone calls 9-1-1, we want the person who responds to be competent and trustworthy,” he adds.
  4. Hey AK, Since I'm joining the Oregon Paramedic Club, you (& one of the 3 original EMT City Hostesses of your choosing) can buy me dinner at McMenamin's RoadHouse :wink: ...what's it been... 3 years now?
  5. I recently completed a one year Paramedicine certificate program in Washington state and now I'm going through the process of getting licenced in Oregon. Once you're NREMT-P'd, Oregon will accept an Associate's degree in something other than Paramedicine. Mine is in Respiratory Therapy. I know of others that have used Arts or Education degrees. I think the point that Oregon is making is to set the Associate's level as the baseline standard of education whether it be EMS, social studies, math etc. Just 2 cents worth :wink:
  6. Marty, Did you recommend CES before the takeover? Grads from the former program have told me the change could only be an improvement! I plan to test at NCTI's Roseville facility in December. Cheers base (NWRTC intern)
  7. As a fellow motorcyclist for almost 30 years (don't understand DD's comment???) my best wishes to Ron and his family.
  8. I was tired of being a Respiratory Therapist in the hospital. Pay and work environment were good, I just got burned out after 16 years. I enjoyed working with my patients, but being contained within those 4 brick walls was driving me nuts. I drove from my 12 hr night shift twice a week to attend a daytime EMT-B class. I had a great instructor and really enjoyed the class. Then took CCEMTP, Neonatal-Pediatric Specialist cert and all the alphabet soup courses. I interviewed and landed a part time flight RT position about a 4 hr drive from my home. I commute out there twice a month and live in my truck camper while I'm there. It is a rather unique program in that we are RRT/RN and do scenes, interfacilities, neo, peds, maternals and adult transports by RW and FW. I started Paramedic school 5 months later. It was tough arranging school with work but like most things in life, it all works out if you want it bad enough. I'm about to start my 3 month PM internship with a local ambulance company. Because of my slightly unconventional entry into EMS I haven't had much street experience....so I'm looking forward to whatever comes my way! BTW I finally broke all ties with the 4 brick walls (aka Hospital) last week. Yahoo! 8)
  9. Welcome BASE brother and fellow EMT.... :wink: base587
  10. Hi nremtp, I'm a British and Canadian citizen living in the US as a permanent resident. I would contact potential employers directly to see if they understand what is involved in sponsoring you. It may be more of a challenge to them dealing with the USCIS than just $$$ to land you a work visa. I live in the Pacific Northwest and love it here. America is a great country to live in if you have drive and motivation. Good luck on your move. base
  11. Akroeze, You may have a left anterior hemiblock (blockage of the anterior fascicle of your left bundle). There is evidence of left axis deviation and a Q wave in L1 and a prominent S in L3. You need a proper 12 lead to be truely diagnostic. (Make sure the limb leads are truely on your limbs, and not just L & R upper chest and L flank) I'm no expert by any means, but most likely you'll live :wink:
  12. His hair didn't look any different at District 5 PCEP this past Tuesday... :wink:
  13. Cheers....McLennan, AB, population 800! (4 hr drive north of Edmonton)
  14. Besides the seat belts....inexperienced teenage drivers are easily distracted, especially among a group of friends. Isn't there a state that restricts teen drivers from having other adolescent passengers in their vehicle?
  15. Off duty, I pack around 5 joules.....in my fist :wink:
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