I dunno about my neck o' the woods, but evidently the full moon has no effect on trauma in Iran.
credit: http://www.merginet.com/index.cfm?pg=indus...amp;fn=fullmoon
So Much for Full-Moon Theories
By Bryan E. Bledsoe, DO, FACEP
April 2005, MERGINET—One thing that old salty OB nurses, experienced ER nurses and gray-headed paramedics all agree on is that weird things happen when the moon is full. Although numerous studies have shown this not to be true, this myth is still told to rookie EMTs as a rite of passage (just like sending them to the hospital central supply for some sterile Fallopian tubes).
Researchers in Iran studied ED visits for 13 months. They reviewed data from 58,000 trauma patients admitted to the three biggest trauma EDs in Tehran . They found no increase in trauma visits during full-moon days. There was no increase in the assault rate on full-moon days. There was no reduction in the Glasgow Coma Score in patients presenting on full-moon days. Finally, the severity of trauma was no worse on full-moon days.
Thus, the incidence of weird events on full-moon days is a figment of our imagination. However, it is a hoot to tell rookies this and the practice should continue. Just like Santa Claus—it is best for them to find out on their own.
Zargar M, Khaji A, Kaviani A, Karbakhsh M et al. “The full moon and admission to emergency rooms.” Indian Journal of Medical Science. 2004;58(5):191-195.