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Everything posted by CTEXPLORER

  1. There was a knew thread for the first episode, does it really matter? Its not like theres an end to the Internet. Did you see it?
  2. I dont know :?: :-k
  3. That Thread isn't about the new episode, thats back before its started.
  4. Oh, there is?! I did a search but didnt see anything, where is it? I figured there would be, i guess Im not surprised. thanx
  5. I must say, it was a little better this time around. Although the professionalism hasn't really changed, toward the beginning, the supervisor or somebody came in and told them they needed to shape up cause AMR is about to take over. That was that, but maybe it was a little foreshadowing. The techniques were more accurate with the new guy bagg'in the lady into the stomach, but you would think a medic would know not to do that :roll: . Overall, I think there was more of a story line, with his old roommate, but could still use a little work. As far as the professionalism goes, maybe he just looks ruff in the beginning, and things are supposed to turn around later, who knows, I guess we'll find out.
  6. true true true.
  7. What those producers need are some real paramedics to help them out. The day I'll be happy is when there is an accurate, professional show about this job, and that depicts the reality of the job. Then, obviously, everyone else would be happy, but would we? Who would want to see our day from start to finish? So the show should atleast be accurate. Oh, and just an overall pet-peeve of mine in any show is when you do CPR, you dont look like your massaging someones chest! Were not rubbing in lotion here, they should atleast get a manikin of some kind for those scenes and look like your actually trying to bring someone around.
  8. To add to the inaccuracies, how about the OD that was being bagged while he was sitting, and the mask wasn't even being held to the pt.'s face. I know someone touched on not wearing gloves, espeacally with the pregnant pt. Thats just nasty. And we so calm, not to mention the baby looked more than just a newborn.
  9. I dont really know of any links, none that could be found by googling "exploring Programs", or something like that, but there are several here that are familiar with the programs, and we would be happy to help.
  10. I agree, knowing how it all started is important. smle, what do you want to know about the program?
  11. Reminds me of Ghostbusters.
  12. Im the Secretary of my post. We just started the post in Fall of '05. We only have about 14 or so members. Were trying to get off the ground first before we accept more members. Everyone has a first-aid card, CPR card, and most everybody has a FR certification. We took classes like airborne and bloodborne courses, and HIPPA, which allows us to actively help out on both routine and emergency calls. I feel lucky to be able to talk to a post advisor that successfully ran a post. What kind of things do you suggest we do? Is having guest speakers a good idea? If so, what kind of person? What kind of events did your post do? What kind of fundraisers did you guys do?
  13. I think this is why this thread is important, not only for me to understand the career Im so passionate about, but also for other people. You started out in Exploring? Im in an exploring program, hense the ID. Tell me what it was like then.
  14. Me too, great info BandAidPatrol, and great link RidRider911. I can't imagine what it was like then. With so little supplies, and correct me if Im wrong, but I would guess there weren't a whole lot of ambulances around, and not many hospitals, so it would probably be a while before patients go infinitive care. Do any of you have old stories of back when you started this job?
  15. Sure, that would be cool.
  16. I know there are some retired EMS workers here, and it wasn't a million years ago EMS was strated, atleast in the US. What was it like back then? I remember watching the show "Emergency" when I was little, which wasn't long ago. I know that show was of the first EMS unit in the US in California somewhere. I remember the squad would go and care for the patient, then the ambulance would go, literally chuck the patient into the ambulance and go, and nobody was with the patient! How different! Was that really how it was, I'd like to here how it was in the beginning. What technologies did they have? How did they operate?
  17. Im in an Exploring program, hense the ID. Every once and a while, we take an ambulance out of service, use someone as a patient, and then a couple people will be the EMTs, and they can use anything out of the ambulance. We're pretty much a bunch of high school freshman (unseasoned MRTs). Does anybody have any ideas for some simple yet challenging scenarios for us to practice? Hopefully something common that we'll be able to relate to in the field? Oh, and if it helps, we're in a semi-urban area with a lot of ETOH and psych patients. Thanx!
  18. If you have to improvise, you can make a C-collar out of a SAM splint (I love those things), it takes a LOT of practice to be able to make a good one quickly, bu they are very effective when you need to custom make one.
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