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  1. Our service is having difficulties with whether our EMT B's are taking enough calls and if when they take the calls it is appropriate for them to attend. We also struggle with transfers when hospitals seemingly randomly check the ALS/BLS box. I think in both cases part of the problem is nobody actually knows what ALS or BLS means. To some its billing, to others level of care, some see it as ACLS/BLS which covers cardiac but not trauma and finally some see it as just a unit designation. So, I am asking you to help a brother out and provide your definition of ALS and BLS.
  2. So, if one choses to re-cert their NREMT paramedic by examination A. Is it the same computer based test as the initial paramedic test? b. IF not is it harder, easier or how is it different? C. If anyone has done this what has your experience been? D. After several years on the street what is the recommended study plan?
  3. You are such a positive person.....due to an admittedly irrational phobia I don't wear things with pins...so I am looking for this alternative. Cheer up!
  4. Looking for collar brass that say EMT, EMTP etc. that attach with a magnetic backer rather than pins. I have a name tag like this can't find brass...
  5. SP02 92-95 ETCO2 we don;t have
  6. We have CPAP, but this guy was not close to CPAP per our protocol.
  7. Did not treat the tachycardia. 1. BP 150/90 2. Patient not on diuretic. 3. bGL 120. 4. No steroids. 5. Crackles were in all lung fields. 6. Had albuterol and atrovent inhalers 7. As to CHF no diagnosis and no lower extremity edeme. 8. Don't know about BNP or lactate level So far I think I have learned that giving a breathing treatment would have been in effect treating the tachycardia.
  8. Patient's chief complaint is difficulty breathing. Dib the same evening we saw him. Fire had him on 10L o2 pt. said breathing was better. Pt. had pneumonia in February. Hear rales and crackles thru scope gurling audible aurally. Pt. has emphysemea, not on home 02, only meds are an inhaler. He has been eating normally but urination frequency has increased, stated every half hour the nite before. A: Besides DIB he has no chest pain, regular but tachycardic pulse, no other complaints except fluid on lungs. RX: Did a 12 lead which was benign, pt. is tachycardic @ 120 to 130. Decreased o2 to 4 lpm on NC, still breathing good with normal effort, rate 16-18. Did a saline lock. Here's the rub....did not do breathing treatment. Senior partner says I should have. Rationale for not doing it was A. breathing improvement on 02 B. Fluid on lungs and increased urination would not seem to be helped by breathing treatment C. Tachycardia....yes perhaps caused by breathing, but also did not want to risk an increase in HR with an 81 year old. At ER a 12 lead was ordered but no breathing treatment was done. What is the correct call treatment or no?
  9. Curently an EMT-P looking to take a Wilderness EMT class. Probably one where you 'upgrade' your regular skills with wilderness ones. Which provider do you think is best? Seems SOLO and NOLS are leaders? What others have you used, or do you recommend? If I take one of these classes do the credits count for CE's at NREMT-P level?
  10. A co-worker of mine writes questions for this site.
  11. If you have a Palm, I Phone, 'smart phone' etc. you can get a reference guide to put on that.
  12. Michigan based so in state or say within the Big 10.
  13. I'd like to make it but ah....I am working that days, ah there is no direct flight, I have nothing camo or military to wear etc.
  14. Under the following general headings : Trauma, Diabetics, Pysch patients and Operations what are topics that you would like to see in a CE class. Examples: Diabetics: Diabetic Meds Pysch: The Mental Health System in yr. community etc.
  15. Anyone have a lead on an upcoming PHTLS instructor course?
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