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Everything posted by explenture

  1. Has anyone had experience with this? I'm doing physical therapy for my knee and they put this on the knee. Wondering if it would be good for day to day use?
  2. Reaper, do you use this? Does anyone? Comments. Is it practical?
  3. Looking for best ems reference guide such what we call 'flip books' in paper format.
  4. Recently purchased a Palm Centro. Looking for the best reference guide type software to install.....let me know your thoughts.
  5. Our protocols don't allow it.
  6. We don't do meds down ETT.
  7. 100 calories in D50...interesting....so this can be added to patter w/ pt....you've got about 100 calories in you so you need a sandwich etc...
  8. If you walk in and the pt. is speaking to you, you check a radial pulse it's strong and non tachy why then you've done A/B/C that fast.......seemingly in class every scenario has a real sickness ie... chest pain or sob or fremur fracture....but sometimes it is a lady who fell down moving a fan and the assesment can proceed rapidly and without as many forks as a 'classroom'sick person.
  9. Was he having a BM and vageled? I'd do a 12 lead, is his skin tenting?
  10. Our service can put 300 to 500 miles on a vehicle just driving around for system status management. Obviously this means carbon out put. It also means that we are keeping up SSM and possibly shortening response times. Will there come a time when EMS will stop SSM for reasons of carbon output/to help mitigate global warming?
  11. We have both Morphine and Fentanyl, just used Morphine as an example. Morphine is in an amp 10 mg/1ml, fentanyl is in an amp 100mcg/2ml.
  12. Say your service carries morphine 10 mg in 1 ml of saline. Is there a benefit to say drawing up an additional 10 ml of saline so you have 10 mg in 11ml etc.? Some have told me that this makes it easier to push or smoother for the patient. Any truth to this?
  13. I'd advise taking it....it's good for all levels really gets into the initial survey and prioritizing. I know it improved my skills immensely.
  14. Under Armour...we get to wear polos F/SA/SU now to fall.
  15. We had just cleared Butterworth er and were heading north when extra fire personnel got paged out....looked back to see the smoke.
  16. Some amusement parks.
  17. We've all talked about the items we carry on duty....stethoscope, pager, tape, etc. Rather than listing all items you carry I am asking what is the one item that you would most want to carry, or least do without, or that would do the most good for the patient.....Fire away
  18. Choose the best current reality/documentary show.....and suggest others
  19. I would lean towards morphine or fentanyl but would like to get a least a rapid trauma or a head to do before giving meds.
  20. Our protocol says 1 mg every 3-5 minutes up .04 mg.kg. In my experience there is a lot more asymptomatic than symptomatic brady.
  21. The media in our area will report that police department x, fire department y, the state police, etc. were on an accident scene. They will say patients were transferred to a given hospital. If the helicopter is used they get a mention. Rarely does the responding ems service get mentioned. As if EMS does not exist and patients get to hospitals by magic. Is his beneficial to EMS? Wouldn't at least a mention be good? Should EMS agencies push for inclusion in these stories? Where I used to work it was dough nuts for picture in the paper and pizza for being on TV. Why are these considered bad things? Shouldn't we want to take credit for our work?
  22. In the assesment section I start with ABC as in airway patent, good tidal volume, palpable radial pulse etc. Then go on from there....documenting same order as I assess.
  23. What can EMS learn from osteopathic medicine/DO's? Lot of DO's in our area so just wondering...
  24. This NY Times article describes a New Mexico county where narcan-along with clean needles- are given out in a 'harm reduction' effort. Thoughts? NY Times Article
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