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Everything posted by JamesEvans

  1. Hello dear Moderator, thank you for the response and feedback. We appreciate it. If you check the website you'll find that in fact it does have relevant content. You can find it in a number of ways (i.e. using the keyword search or looking up by category (i.e. Emergency Medicine Jobs, etc.) and many other ways). See example: http://doctorschoiceplacement.com/jobs/find/?type=&category=30&location= The website is user-friendly for people to find jobs, including EMTs and medics. We sincerely hope that people will find this website useful and the reason we posted it was genuine, and not trying to be spammy. Many of our peers have found jobs using this website so we hope for more people to know about it, we're confident that it'll come into good use. You have a great forum here and we've been following it for a while, very informative and helpful! Thanks.
  2. Hello, we weren't trying to be spammy or inappropriate. We posted the link in sincere thought that it could help people with recruitment in the EMS field. There's no quota or anything that we're trying to satisfy, we genuinely think that the link is legitimate and can help EMT's and medics get jobs. If you disagree and think it's irrelevant, we'll be happy to just remove our post and link.
  3. Education standards increased the breadth and depth of many paramedic-level topics. Program accreditation assures increased provider competency through documented patient assessments and demonstration of clinical competency.There is no relationship between paramedic student performance and time as an EMT.It would be a mistaken assumption to think that more EMT field experience would result in a higher success rate.For info visit this website .
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