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Everything posted by medic53226

  1. I had a pt had a BGL of 33, and to my awe, she was alert, could answer my questions, but she was cool, clammy, dizzy to the point she could walk the 2-3 steps to the cot, but, by the time I got the IV which was like looking for needle in a hay stack. I to as most that read this are saying equipment problem, I check it that moring and again after the run and it said that it was ok, so I would have got a BGL just to have one because our Doctor hear says if you are doing a IV it dosen't hurt, and I still think you will find that it is diverticulitis, but what everyone else said are just as problem the problem as is what I think. Nothing againist the anyone else. Did you get a last meal on this pt to find out if maybe it could be food posioning maybe just a thought.
  2. I value everyones opioion, because it just helps me in the field, why I asked about what choose other medical professional have choose and found out the goods and the bads. I like knowing these things because if your service gives you a choice of Drug to use like mine this will make me feel better about my choice. Thank you for your time.
  3. I had a pt that had this problem, would bet that is could be diverticulitis beacuse it follows the same path, That is what I think. My pt had vagaled down and was hypotensive, pale, cool, clammy. She looked dead and when we spoke to her she would answer as if nothing was wrong, she had abd pain, and was to weak to walk, had trouble with her BM. It was he LLQ. This is my guess.
  4. I was a new Paramedic and had a call to a local low income housing division for, a seizure. Almost their the FD gets on the radio and says pickup the pace. I don't drive fast and possible injure someone, but we did move a little quicker. When we arrivid I value my FD opioion, and I mean that they are good, so I walk in the house and their is a 20 y/o male pt lying the ground and looks to be seizing. Ok, I get down by his head where the FD had gathered and said what is his name and they said Zon, well I thought that is different, so I said hey MARK to check for any response or LOC and which time he stops shaking a looks up at me and say are you an idiot did you not hear him tell you that my name is Zon, and then lies back down and starts shaking, again I was a happy camper
  5. I had not mentioned that I had him on NRB @ 15 LPM, and they were getting worst, that is the only reason because when he started having the runs of VT, I got a little worried, I would like to know as a ER doc would you have choose Lidocaine or Amiodarone in this case. I would just like this oppioion form a ER Doc so that I might have a feeling of the difference or the same ideal. Since you are Doc and ER at that in a big city you must have used both thousands of times and problaly have seen differences. Thank you for you time I know that you are busy.
  6. I was called to a residence for a pt that was having a stroke. Before I got their are company EMS Director had arrived with the volunteer FD. He access the pt and called me confirming that it was a stroke, when I arrived he ( ems director ) had his bag packed and soon as me and my partner walked in the door, he left the house, before he did I asked did you get a BS on this pt he said, no but, the wife did and it was 124 and he left. So, I said to the wife so you got 124 for a BS and she said yes or it was 24 I can't remember it was couple of hours ago or at lunch time it is 18:00. PT was disoriented, sweaty, clammy, and cold to the touch. So, I took V/S which was 124/78 Resp 14, HR 78 and BS 32, so IV D50, and to the ambulance. As we are traveling down the 800 mile country road with no end, I have the pt on the monitor and doing my vital signs as the 78 y/o male is wakeing I notice couplets, then runs of VT, at which time I give him 100mg of Lidocaine 1 mg/kg which you know. It stoped it and the pt returned to sinus with occasional PVC. We have Amiodarone but I grabbed the Lidocaine since its prefilled and easy choice. I would also like to let you know that after this happened I asked the wife if he had chest pain and she said he had some this moring and around lunch time. Ok with what I told you would you have choose anything else, or any different med and how would you handeled the the EMS Director which is a Paramedic. Thank you.
  7. I have always mad it a point to pickup my trash because as your family pointed out, even if you don't think they notice they do, and we carry a big blue trauma bag that seconds as a big blue trash bag. Now I left trash before but it was critical that the pt get to the hospital. As, for your mom, I think they dropped the ball a little.
  8. Hello, I'm a indiana paramedic and in the system I work now they use LMA for the EMT-B's, and that is new to me, but the other service I worked for allowed EMT-B to use a Combi-Tube, as well as the FD certified as Basic non transports, I had a basic emt on a run at a residence, before I could get to the truck he had used a combi-tube and the patient didn't have a airway we were in a small area and I had them bag the pt to the truck, which and been moved unknownlingly to me, so as I got my gear and headed to the truck the Emt Basic decide to Combi-Tube the pt before I got their which took a couple of Min's to find since they had moved my ambulance. When I arrived they were bagging this pt through a Combi-Tube, no problem they were on the ball, and that is good, however, as the tech was bagging this pt, he looked as though he was having trouble with a bowel movement he was bagging that hard, so I listened for lung sounds and couldn't get them but they had, and per our protocol I have the right to remove the tube, well he had left the ambulance and didn't see me pull the tube, and when he found out he went to my supervisor because the EMT also worked part-time for our ambulance service. Well word travels fast and I found out that he was mad. So, I was called to the office by my supervisor, and got a lecture, which my supervisor was a advance emt so I pointed out the protocol to him, My point is this I don't have a problem with EMT B's doing Combi-Tubes or LMA's, but I feel that problems like this arise, and it not because I didn't think he did a good job its that it wasn't doing the job and that was not being able to ventilate the pt. My EMT partner is what makes our shift run good and what makes runs go smooth I would have a basic partner over a paramedic partner any day.
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