Hello, I'm a indiana paramedic and in the system I work now they use LMA for the EMT-B's, and that is new to me, but the other service I worked for allowed EMT-B to use a Combi-Tube, as well as the FD certified as Basic non transports, I had a basic emt on a run at a residence, before I could get to the truck he had used a combi-tube and the patient didn't have a airway we were in a small area and I had them bag the pt to the truck, which and been moved unknownlingly to me, so as I got my gear and headed to the truck the Emt Basic decide to Combi-Tube the pt before I got their which took a couple of Min's to find since they had moved my ambulance. When I arrived they were bagging this pt through a Combi-Tube, no problem they were on the ball, and that is good, however, as the tech was bagging this pt, he looked as though he was having trouble with a bowel movement he was bagging that hard, so I listened for lung sounds and couldn't get them but they had, and per our protocol I have the right to remove the tube, well he had left the ambulance and didn't see me pull the tube, and when he found out he went to my supervisor because the EMT also worked part-time for our ambulance service. Well word travels fast and I found out that he was mad. So, I was called to the office by my supervisor, and got a lecture, which my supervisor was a advance emt so I pointed out the protocol to him, My point is this I don't have a problem with EMT B's doing Combi-Tubes or LMA's, but I feel that problems like this arise, and it not because I didn't think he did a good job its that it wasn't doing the job and that was not being able to ventilate the pt. My EMT partner is what makes our shift run good and what makes runs go smooth I would have a basic partner over a paramedic partner any day.