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Everything posted by Jihadi_Jerry

  1. And good luck to you, sir. I also hope we never cross paths.
  2. NO! I did not mean the major cities were Shitvilles, they were gerat! it's all the towns BETWEEN the major cities that suck. We'll see who has the last laugh- ha ha ha. I will keep you guys posted on my Paramedic career advancement! ....and I am not a Troll. I am humble born again Pastafarian Hey, I see you are from Texas. U in San Antonio ? Well, like I said, I am God driven to be a paramedic. I know the Flying Spaghetti Monster will guide me to be the best paramedic in the universe!
  3. I don't mean to piss anyone off here on the forum. You guys have been great. I really do want to be a paramedic. I had an INTENSE RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE that made me decide this path.... One night I found a half empty bottle of beer on the ground, so like any noble gentleman, i picked it up and started to drink it. Then appeared from the clouds MY LORD! THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE! ....THE FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER!! HE TOUCHED ME WITH HIS NOODLY APPENDAGE AND TOLD ME TO BE A PIRATE! SO I ASKED HIM, "CAN I BE A PARAMEDIC AS WELL???" HE SAID, "YES!! BE A PARAMEDIC! THAT WOULD BE AN AWESOME THING TO DO!" then he started rambling on more about how I should get a Parrot and eye patch..........so ever since then I have a desire to be a paramedic. R'amen, MATEYS!
  4. Or Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, New Mexico, Tennessee.....diddly squat!! It hurts me to say......Aye..
  5. But I have! I know it sounds crazy but it's true. I have lived in Seattle, Portland, LA, Santa Monica, San Antonio, Phoenix, San Francisco, stayed in Miami and Key West for a bit, Jersey Shore, a bit in Chicago, and New York for a wee bit. In Canada I lived in Vancouver, Nanaimo, Kelowna, Calgary, Winnipeg, Montreal, and now Toronto.Everything between Vancouver and Toronto is no mans land. Winnipeg must be exciting right ???? WRONG!! It's true about America. You ever go to Montana, North and south Dakota, Minnesota, Ohio, Wyoming, Kansas, or most of Texas? There's NOTHING FUN GOING ON IN THOSE STATES. You would understand. There's NOTHING. I live in a motor home and travel a lot with my current career. However, I can't tell you guys what I do for a living, for it is of MOST SECRET
  6. All right, you got me on that one....INSTITUTE! .........I just came out of the institution that's why
  7. Great news everyone! I really appreciate all your feed backs and advice. I know some of you were offended by my remarks about Shitsville. As a man who has lived in every major city in north america, and has stopped in every town between, I can confidently say that most of it is shit. It's tuff to hear but, "you can't change what you don't acknowledge !" - Dr. Phil I am glad to know that I can work all through out Canada. I'm not sure what's so confusing about it ? I mean....BC is not referring to "Before Christ" or "Brown Corn" ......British Columbia! Sorry about confusing y'all ...thought it was a no-brainer
  8. Great news everyone! I am looking to become a PCP. I am currently in Toronto, and it looks like there are a lot of colleges for paramedics here. I am from Vancouver BC. There is a nice school there, Justice Institution of BC. My question is: If I get training in Ontario, does that mean I can only work in Ontario? And if I get trained in BC , does that mean I can only work in BC? Or is it good for all of Canada ? Also, I have a dual citizenship for US. Can I work in the USA as well? Or would I have to retake the program? Also, I want to work in a city, not some Shitville. Is it extremely hard to land a job in big cities ? Thanks for your answers ?
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