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Everything posted by monster_medic

  1. What i think has been overlooked here is that it is not abandonment or neglegent to hand ''down'' a pt to a BLS crew if the ALS crew did only basic skills on the pt. Now if ALS skills were preformed,then no way could or should the pt. be handed down ie. IV intubation, or any drug usage. From where i stand personally i will hand down a pt. to another crew ONLY if i am comfortable with it AND the other crew is comfortable with it. The company i work for does not run two basics on a truck so we only run ALS with MICU capabillities depending on staff on truck.
  2. NR will send test results so you can see your weaker areas.Dont get flipped out bro the test aint no party boat i failed first time by one question in a subtopic overall score was good but one subtopic got me.Hang in there bro hold your head up and get back to studing.ABC'S first bro
  3. to medicman51 no where did i say that they were your underwear on the ceiling fan but you let the cat out of the bag..............and your daughter and stepdaughter did them for me......i have corrupted your children in the sanctity of your own home......lets not forget about the wife toooooooo........heheheheh
  4. We have different sub stations around the area,,,,,surprise visit if other crew was out and trashed there station,,,put there beds in the shower(no water) turned over furnature.......BEST yet was to place a pair of there underware on the ceiling fan.....now i corupted his children and when he woke up one morning....chonies on the fan funny
  5. oooooooo watch out folks im ''The FUDGE PACKER''
  6. i think that it has to be on a case to case basis. My wives cousin just got out of federal prison. He was a prison guard in the state of Texas,,transferred to work at a Federal prison in New Mexico,,,they had a violent prisoner that use of force was used on to control him,,,cousin said he was not involved in use of force but he was there and saw it happen..Inmate went to hospital to be checked out..returned back to prison 2 hrs later,He filed on guards and won case. Cousin charged with assault by association and failing to ''stop''the other guards from injuring the inmate.Cousin received 48 month sentence for his'' non involvement''....Now saying this and if all his stories to use were true about his involvement why shouldn't a case like this be able to go to school and learn a new skill as an EMT.
  7. need some advise/guidance. I made my medic in March of 05(still green) work for a private service 30 miles from my home town.Home town pop. 2000 people,nearest hospital is 30 miles away..well i used to volly for my home town started as ECA and vollied for 8 years (made my EMT-I still with volly). my wives aunt ran the volly service for 20 years and got another of her nieces to join ems.everything ran good for awhile then trouble started over some actions on a call.i stood up for my wifes aunt because she did no wrong and made a correct decision.anyways the niece pushed the issue to the board(which no one on the board has any medical background)they determined aunt was wrong and asked her to step down and out of community ems all together.she did after a good fight.....now i stayed away from community ems for short time trying to finish my medic school and all.when i tried to go back and sign up for shifts i was told (by niece who runs the show now)that i no longer had a position on the community ems. i am the only EMT-P in the whole county,am willing to offer my advanced skills(there highest level is emt-i,when he works) and they refuse my help.are they holding a grudge?the reasoning i got was that they didn't want to buy the extra supplies to upgrade to micu... and really all they needed to buy is the drugs they have an aed/monitor on board(code master).i even asked my private work boss if i could make a drug bag and carry a set of private company protocols with me he said yes but they still refuse my help....what do you think i can do to get back on board. have talked with board members and they don't understand reasoning's either should i just not bother with them and move on? i am waiting for the day one of there family members goes down and some simple push of cardiac drugs could have saved a life .then what will they come to me asking me were i was? any advise is helpful and thanks.
  8. it sounds to me like the instructor of these students also needs a congratulations. a good student starts with an OUTSTANDING instructor.. WAY TO GO TEACH and keep up the good work
  9. can a brother get an AMEN on the woo woo hope to hel u got a lot of money to pay for the lawsuit WHEN the crash happens
  10. morals and ethics.........that is the question
  11. well it appears that i did ruffel some feathers.....just because i am not computer illiterate and not the best at researching topics on the site...........i did state i was new to the site.....so much for a welcome and a ''hey monster next time go here and research a little'' no now i feel like the flogged horse......o well it happens thanks for the beating
  12. I just dont understand it......new to city and have been reading forums from some ppl who are in advanced levels and still dont have a good handle on the basic skills.Is it just me or am i being a moron about morals and confidence...........It is my opinion that the states health departments should regulate the EXPIRIENCE asspect of upgrading levels... I firmly believe that a person should stay at a level for at least 6mon to a year before even being able to start class for their next level. In Texas a person can complete there basic class and start an I-P course and go straight to Paramedic.This is just a STUPID train of thouht by TDH..I work around a few ppl that are in an I-P course now and they scare me to death on the truck.....even a few that didnt skip a level..some of them scare me..As most of us know BOOKSMART and STREETSMART are TWO DIFFERENT things... any comments from the peeps am i just being an a@#h*&e or a legitimate point if i ruffled any feathers.......................so be it...............peace out and keep it save
  13. I agree with all the replies.I dont understand how your state health departments would let a person be able to upgrade there levels without a CLEAR understanding of a very basic skill.It is great that you know your drugs and strips......but are you sure you know when and how to use them.If you are not sure of what is wrong with your pt through assesment..how do you know what treatmentis right for your pt. This scares me now adays people being aloud to go strait from basic to medic.If it was me [and i did]a person should have to stay a a level 6mons to a year before being able to upgrade to the NEXT level and not be able to ''skip'' the intermidiate level.Most everyone that reads this will tell you that on truck EXPIRIENCE will teach you more than most text books will. You can be BOOKSMART ,,,,but are you going to carry your books with you all the time. You need to get the EXPIRIENCE and become ''STREETSMART''......................just my opinion and if i ruffled any feathers............so be it.
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