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Everything posted by eternalgypsy

  1. My turn on top :blob:
  2. [/font:11075fe5d8] Ok, I didn't know where else to put this so I just started a new thread. This is for any EMS related poems, lymrics, etc. I doesn't matter if you wrote it or you found it somewhere but please give credit to the author if you know who it is. I'll start off with a poem I wrote in response to the numerous questions I recieved about why I decided to go back to EMS. Why EMS? The pay ain't that great Sometimes nothing at all The hours are long And a myst'ry each call So you might ask me "Why do you do it?" "Why do you go there, And put yourself through it?" My answer is simple What I do is an art It's something that's in me Comes straight from the heart I do it for baby And her very first breath It's for the new mom Smiling, covered in sweat I do it for parents Scared for their child For all of the people With thanks in their smiles It's for the people The young and the old Who feel society Left them in the cold It's for the gentleman Who died tonight I held his hand As he lost the fight It's for the children Crying and scared I help them feel better Just by being there For the sick and the injured Their family and friends I'm there for them Their strength to the end My time with them, fleeting An hour or two But I helped make a difference And that's what I do Sometimes it's scary Sometimes just boring But some of the calls Can really be flooring It's not for the money It sure ain't for fame It's just for the people Who're glad that I came
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