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Everything posted by SARgal

  1. I have REALLY got to hone my search abilities. I ran searches on google and Ask.com but came up empty except for some MSDS sheets. What engines do you use? Thanks!
  2. Do you mean Battery Acid as in LSD or as in say, automobile battery acid?
  3. I have an exam tonight and I'm wasting 'brain-bandwidth' and filling the precious few brain cells left with this stuff? Yup. I love this place! :geek:
  4. Your instructor's flip attitude concerns me greatly. You don't 'get used to it'. You have to learn proper lifting techniques. It's amazing how much you can lift even with your small frame when done properly. Body mechanics: using your body to obtain a mechanical advantage. Our class is learning from Brady's Prehospital Emergency Care book and there is a chapter on body mechanics. If your book has one maybe you can practice with a couple of friends?? I know that since we spent those 3 hours in class, I have started to do some squats to strengthen my thighs and some sit-ups to reinforce stomach muscles. Also, when out on a call, don't be afraid to call for extra manpower when you need to. Pat
  5. I'm so happy to read this note! LOVE to hear positive people. I'm just beginning too and will follow your advice to the letter! Pat
  6. My thoughts/beliefs, EXACTLY. Pat
  7. Thanks, Rid! I'm chomping at the bit waiting for classes to start next month and am devouring every bit of info I can find in the meantime... between planning and executing my daughter's wedding which is tomorrow... can't wait for that hoopla to be over!! LOL After that every chance I get will be study time! Pat
  8. I'm thinking it would be good to stay and perhaps post threads that are pertinent to you, or even blog your ideas/concerns. Perhaps there are others out there who feel the way you do. So create a niche here (if it doesn't already exist). Become the person who writes the type of posts YOU want to read. ...just my 2 cents... Pat
  9. SARgal

    3 Word Story

    and took chase
  10. SARgal

    3 Word Story

    a cherry bon-bon.
  11. SARgal

    3 Word Story

    Finally, emerging from
  12. SARgal

    3 Word Story

    nut gathering freaks
  13. SARgal

    3 Word Story

    while his sister
  14. SARgal

    On Top

    Or maybe I needed a *REST*... either way.... LOL Pat
  15. SARgal

    On Top

    Well, I have to say that yesterday my ride on top lasted 27 minutes.... I needed a resat after that one! :blob5: Pat
  16. SARgal

    On Top

    I wonder if I can stay on top longer than four minutes this time.......
  17. SARgal

    On Top

    Sheeeesh! You folks are FASSSSSSSSSSSSSST Oh look, here I am again! :bootyshake:
  18. SARgal

    On Top

    MY TURN!!! :D/ Hey, the view is pretty darn great from up here... Pat
  19. Congratulations!!! Woo Hoo! Pat
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