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Everything posted by khcstud

  1. Hey, thanks a lot patch. great website.
  2. Sup Grace and Terri? Yeah I just started the medic class. It's gonna be a rough road, but it's something I wanna do. I know plenty of people in the class and it should be fun. But I do not have a my space but asian rob does. If thats who ya know, Grace. Ummmm just bored and chatting to myself before the lake city parade today. But hey peace out its been a pleasure!
  3. 100% also volunteer and couldnt be more happy.
  4. Well Im new to the city. I'm 19yrs young and Ive been a emt/ff for the past two yrs. I'm currentlly in a paramedic class and really looking forward to the wonderfull world of ALS. I really want to be a bike medic one day. My city does not have that, but Im looking for a city that does. Ay words of encourage ment that can be past down. Please don't be afriad. I love having the ability to change someones live and i love being able to do what I love everyday I go to work. Im a caregiver, I guess, thats what other people always say about me. They say I always put other people first. But whatever. Please post soon. Any single ladies out there.... I;m 5'11' 165lbs, atheltic build and I enjoy long walks on the beach. Any takers?? JK. Zack Also be sure to check out my fire departments website. www.kuhlhosefire.org if ya get a chance.
  5. Very nice!
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