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  1. Call me Nuts, but would you believe you can actually get a medical air evac for as low as $50 -IF: 1. You purchase a annual membership for $50 from Air Evac Life Team, and 2. You have no healthcare insurance, no medicare, no medicaid, and 3. It is truly a life threatening transport Now having said that, if you do have insurance, care or caid, it still only costs you the $50 out of pocket, but they will bill your insurance and accept what your carrier pays. Includes the Pilot, one R,N, and paramedic
  2. You forgot your badge!
  3. Ruff, I agree 100% I might add keep off your freaking cell phone while driving the truck code three or I WILL THROW IT OUT THE WINDOW!
  4. FTD - Fixing To Die Usually associated with a stubbed toe, headache for past two days, or any similiar call when the patient feels immediate ambulance transport is necessary!
  5. It's NOT a hefty ambulance bill if she had caid - didn't cost her a dime!
  6. Responded to a call by a man requesting we help his wife back into bed. She was non-breathing, mottled, and cold! He said he had difficulty waking her sometimes.
  7. Life threatening = running hot everything else = not! A good EMT should be able to recognize the difference in most cases.
  8. I am not necessarily against unions, although I prefer to negoiate my causes, problems, salary, etc,. with my manager - rather than paying someone to do it. Yes I do realize there are some real blood sucking (money grubbing) services out there, but my service is small, less than 20 employees, county owned, tax supported and not for profit.
  9. Tattomama Another great book I would recommend, was wriiten by a gentleman I personally know named Bob Page NREMT-P who has actually worked in EMS - 12 Lead ECG Interpertation for the Acute Care Provider. It is available on Amazon!
  10. Sounds like a very logical reason to me.
  11. Sorry I was addressing a completley different issue, don't understand how my earlier post ended up here. I am on occasion absent minded, but usually not that bad!
  12. Most medical facilities require photo ID to be worn by their employees, perhaps you can make an arrangement with one to do photo ID's for your volunteer service. Most have their own computer software and can easily make an ID in whatever format you want. I do carry a license in my wallet, but have never been asked to present it for any reason, other than copying for an employer or renewing my license. Sounds like people there are too anal requesting to see your license or maybe too trusting here. Anyways, Good Luck!
  13. I am not necessarily against unions, although I prefer to negoiate my causes, problems, salary, etc,. with my manager - rather than paying someone to do it. Yes I do realize there are some real blood sucking (money grubbing) services out there, but my service is small, less than 20 employees, county owned, tax supported and not for profit.
  14. Being a paramedic, doctor, or dog catcher would not influence my vote. The job of being the President is probably the hardest job in the world and I base my vote on their views. I am probably on the opposite end of the political spectrum of most EMS Professionals.
  15. On legit runs we refer to it as the truck. If we have a loaner because one of ours is in the shop we usually call it POS and from my banner below you can see how we refer to it at other times!
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