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Everything posted by madmedic8522

  1. I feel MedicNorth's pain, but because i bleed BLUE........been hurting for a long time now.......lmao! I'll bet the "ducks" were pretty intimidated by that display.......very impressive! LET'S GO BLUES!!!!! madmedic
  2. here i am again.on top! madmedic
  3. see me up here on top??? madmedic
  4. jeni, jeni......i'm on top madmedic
  5. LMAO.......but i'm on top madmedic
  6. haha i have struck again jeni.........i'm on top madmedic
  7. i would grab your arm and pull you down, but it might come off LOL! i'll just take the top again!!! madmedic
  8. never fear i've taken the top again!!! madmedic
  9. sorry Doc this will be my last one........just can't resist on father's day! the furball from the wonton soup is stuck in his throat........hairball! did the restaurant get a deal on peanut oil??? sorry for messing up the thread I'll stay out of it now. madmedic
  10. fleas, from the food stored out back of the restaurant, out in the kennels............just kidding!!!! madmedic
  11. on top madmedic
  12. i need coffee..........but I'm on top!!!! madmedic
  13. nice try jeni, i have eyes in the back of my head...........and i'm still on top
  14. ok! i've been up there a lot today...........no wait it's a new day! i'll be on top madmedic
  15. thanks for keeping my spot warm for me i'm on top! madmedic
  16. i will lay out the red carpet for you, then pull it out from under you, putting me back on top madmedic
  17. i'm fallllllinggggggg, no just kidding because here i am. ON TOP!
  18. ahh haaa, I'm master of my domain...........wait no I'm just on top
  19. well put Asysin! as i stated before, there is a difference between "paper"medic and paramedic, and you just hit it on the nose! AGAIN!
  20. is she asleep yet??? because i'm on top!!!
  21. nightmares of me on top......lol
  22. memememememeeee.....i'mmm on toppppppp!
  23. i am a rock, right here on top!!!!
  24. no, no, no, i'm on top scaramedic thanks for the cat in the melon helmet........lmao! madmedic
  25. that didn't take long, gone........i'm on top
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