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Everything posted by windsong

  1. You know its a darn shame when you see these ppl using ambulances because they wont fire at ya, a friend of mine I know from firehouse.com chat room was going to Iraq to work as a medic there, the last time I heard from him was 3 months later, he said they were constantly busy, so now he had a break and would be working when duty calls. He said he was in the ambulance when down the street a car blew apart, parts flying everywhere, what got him is when a body part landed right in front of the ambulance. @s weeks goes by and I get an email from one of his friends telling me that Garrett Spalding died at 3:02pm when in broad daylight their ambulance sitting beside a black car carrying a wife, children and the husband waiting for something I dont know when all of a sudden (witnesses) saw this. A man carrying 2 suitcases walked over between the ambulance and the black car, your thinking their going on a trip or somethin, it's harmless. Then KABOOM! Everyone in the car, dead, everyone in the ambulance dead. Garrett Spalding or spear as he used to be called thought he would be coming home to celebrate with his family their parents anniversary insted he came home a hero, a dead one at that. It's been 4 yrs and it's hard to believe ppl like us, not me go over seas because they want to help, help whom. As much as I love helping ppl, I will never go to Iraq, ever. But for those who do, may God bless you, keep you safe from harm and bring you back alive and in 1 piece.
  2. I like this one, so glad you brought this up, because when my mother fell and hurt her butt and lower back, she would cry in pain when sitting and when trying to stand. So I kept saying to her I'm going to call the ambulance this is serious, so I goto get the phone (cordless) it's missing, she went to her room and locked the door. So fine I goto bed, the next day she's in worse pain and I said I want the dam phone, she threw it at me and went to bed, so I called the ambulance and explained to them what was wrong and so they came over, I'm talking to my mother's doctor about this. I'm off the phone and I said to the medic you need to tell her she has to go, she's been crying in pain since late last night, oh the medic said why didnt you call last night, because she took the phone and hid it then locked the door on me and there's no way in hell am I breaking the door down, well of course if she was dying maybe. They tell me WE CANT FORCE HER TO GO, BUT WE CAN COERCE HER, to me it sounds the same.
  3. Back in 1994 my cousin was a scuba diver instructor NUAI/PADI, he had taken a group of ppl to Waterton lakes (AB)to dive, the day before I saw him and we chatted about what his plans were and that I would see him Monday. Saturday came and by the suppertime there was an accident in Waterton, that shocked and stunned me right away, apparently there were 2 men, 1 severely injured and was being flown to Foothills here in Calgary by Stars, the other person in general was doa. My Dad called me and asked if I heard from my cousin, and I said I saw him on friday, he seemed fine it's like a normal routine as always. Then my other line beeped, it was my other cousin, he was all upset and I had a heck of time calming him down from the shock. He told me that Bob (cousin) was filling tanks up and went and turned to get another tank when he heard a hissing noise, when he came back to inspect it, that 1200 psi missile exploded, blowing bob out of the way killing him instantly and that banana tank as the RCMP put it land 45 feet off shore. I dont think ppl realize the consequences when they think everything is a ok, has anyone ever had something like this happen and what was the outcome?
  4. Well. . .gentlemen its a topic to understand women and if you sir the one stationed in Iraq see a lot of them but you cant touch maybe be friendly and all, then it's a rare topic to be discussed. I know EMT's really dont have or ever experienced in most cases somethings that are rare in this case and so to understand the anatomy of woman vs. man perse this was one I think that needs to be. I'm curious if a woman is suffering with this and has no clue and she calls you, so?? I'm an EMR preschooler I'm learning, yes I'm female but I think some women out there in the EMS field probably have never had it or know someone who does. I'm wondering in these cases is it life threatening, probably not, could it be she was pregnant and tried to abort the fetus on her own. These are cases to which yes it could happen, so which is the worst case scenario you can think of, gentlemen?? I wait with abated breath. . .
  5. FOOPS recently was approached about a new book being written about humerous events in a First Responders life. The book is being written by Dan Jordan, a Los Angeles County Sherrifs Office Deputy. Please read the following article and if you have anything to contribute contact Mr. Jordan Dan Jordan is a 19 year veteran of the Los Angeles County Sheriffs office. Currently, Dan is writing a book named "The First Responders Handbook of Humor". Dan has approached FOOPS asking for input from members for material for his project. The First Responder Handbook of Humor is a combination of a stress management workshop Dan gives to first responders and humorous stories from first responders as experienced in their careers. Dan is asking for your help to spread the word at your station about his project to help him get more stories. All the details are on his website www.FirstRespondersBook.com For people that submit stories, they will receive a free copy of the book and a portion of the books proceeds will go to a first responder charity. One goal for this book is to get first responder stories from all 50 states. So far Dan is closing in on that goal but doesn't have every state yet. Feel free to contact Dan to see if your state has been covered but I am sure he will be glad to include multiple submissions form a particular state. Dan Jordan can be contacted at dan@firstresponderbook.com or by visiting his web site www.FirstResponderBook.com We here at FOOPS (Fraternal Order of Paramedics & EMT's Society) are always willing and eager to help those in public service to meet their dream to better the industry and encourage all to submit their ideas or calls for assistance. I am hoping many of our members here may be able to give Mr. Jordan the assistance he is seeking as we all know that here at FOOPS we have some of the most knowlegable as well as friendly people in the industry. Steven L. Murphy NREMT-P
  6. About 30% of women are bothered by heavy menstrual bleeding. For some women, it's a temporary condition that clears on its own. For others, the heavy bleeding is chronic and presents a real disruption to daily life. If you experience any of the following symptoms, you may have a condition called menorrhagia, which is the medical term for excessive menstrual blood flow or prolonged menstrual bleeding. Soaking through pads or tampons every hour or two, or overnight Needing double protection (two pads, two tampons, or pad plus tampon) Having prolonged periods (lasting more than 7 days) Passing large blood clots during menstruation Experiencing constant cramping during periods Experiencing symptoms of anemia However, the symptoms of menorrhagia can vary greatly from person to person -- so speak with your healthcare provider if your menstrual cycle is disrupting your daily life. __________________________ _________________________ __________________ _________________ Back in 1995 I met a lady who had this problem but the strange thing about it was-that it was so bad I had to call the medics to come because it was as if she was overflowing (bleeding profusedly). When the medics came they said what the heck did you do to her, and I'm like what?? so I got mad and said I didnt do a dam thing to her. What she has is Menorrhagia and the medic said is that so and I said yeah and he said what makes you think she has that because I said I have the exact thing. In the hospital it turns out yes that was exactly what she had. I'm not right all of the time, just some of the time. lol
  7. I had a friend who is a christian she called me up one weekend at about 2pm in the afternoon and said Hi how are you and I said fine, you? She said well. . .umm. . .it's good and I said I see, is something wrong and she said well. . .yes and then there was dead silence. I'm like Hello?? and then I hear her b/f in the back ground-laughing and she is crying, he takes the phone to tell me what had happened, but hesitated, He thinks its funny but she does not, so I said why are you calling me, and he said you took Emergency first aid and I said yes, and? So I said if it's serious b/c she's crying I think I'm the wrong person to call. So he tells me that when they have sex he plays along time with her but when she plays with him it's like not even 5 mintues, so he put crazy glue around his friend, which she happend to be holding and this time it was longer, longer than expected. So I said well you need to call EMS and he said what's their number? Didnt we learn that in Kindergarten or was it grade 10? roflmao
  8. Once a upon a time there was these psycho's and they thought life was good when they decided to fake it- sex, headaches and seizures., you know whom I'm speaking of...hint hint. I rest my case, The End! :smilebox:
  9. I'M CURIOUS AS TO WHAT WAS THE THE PSYCHOANALYSIS OF THE 17YR OLD? (Without Prejudice) Thats fine if you find this humorous your allowed, my concern is what became of her? When you hear that it affects children thats my concern as it would be yours as the Individual (EMT/Medic) So wining an oscar hmmm, so what if it was your kid, are you going to call their bluff? It must be hard to deal with it but of course your not a psych major
  10. OMG, Is the truck ok? roflmao Ouch thats gotta hurt
  12. I dont want to be a mad cow, let alone turn into one or getting ill, but if for some reason your FDA ab-hooves it (lmao) then watch out mankind wont be the only ones donating here.
  13. I was going through a Tim Horton's and I was in front of a EMS SUV and he was bunched in between me and a big truck in drive thru. He gets a call and since he cant go anywhere he has to sit tight, I could hear him and in my rear view mirror he looks back then ahead and starts drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. I look at the lady and said hey I'm coming in for that we have a situation back here I gotta move, so I pull out and the Paramedic isnt paying attention until he see's the opening and takes off like a bat out of hell, ok maybe it wasnt hell, he was very professional in this situation though because people could of gotten hurt in all that adrenaline rush.
  14. I would like someone who isnt going to judge me because I dont show signs after I've called 911 if I'm experiencing problems with my breathing then I know it's anxiety and not asthma, but what if it is asthma and I dont call?? That's why EMS in our city said when your caught in a situation and you think you dont need to call them, they have this motto that says; DONT SECOND GUESS, CALL EMS! Of course its a no win situation when you look at it, it's just ok maybe its not what you were hoping for but your faced with it. The dilema is a sad one, and you the ambulance driver (sorry I had to say it) cared enough to help, maybe I should call you Mother Teresa, she had a heart of gold, she didnt have 2 cents to rub together but the faith in her God. Be thankful that the situation at hand wasnt all blood and gore and yes someone out there could of been, but if you always keep saying what if and nothing happens at least you helped that soul who was experiencing some type of an emotional unbalance. You say your training was NOT to coddle those fakers, what these people need is a kind word regardless whether they are bleeding out so bad that you cant save them or a smile, a hug and a few kind words. Then at the end of my shift I can thank God that today was a good one, and thank him that no one died today. Whether you believe in God or not at least I know who is in control...
  15. Try post it notes, stick them on them and say your a complicated pt.
  16. On what charges? She was working and he was not. She had to intervene, She couldnt leave her post, and it doesnt matter if your working or not. If I happen onto a scene, what I just wait till help arrives or do I do something about it. Freaking out the way she did I'd say OMG!!
  17. That is totally scary to even imagine, understanding how the reactive mind works as I'm reading the book by L. Ron Hubbard called Dianetics (The modern science of mental health). The reactive mind is possessed by everyone. No human being examined anywhere was discovered to be without one or without aberrative content in his ingram bank, the reservoir of data which serves the reactive mind. What does this mind do? it shuts off hearing recall. It places vocal circuits in the mind. It makes people tone - deaf. It makes people stutter. It does anything and everything that can be found in any list of mental ills: psychoses, neuroses, compulsions, repressions. What can it do? It can give a man arthritis, bursitis, asthma, allergies, sinusitis, coronary trouble, high blood pressure, and so on, down the whole catalog psychosomatic ills, adding a few more which were never specifically classified as psychosomatic, such as the common cold. Discharge the content of this mind's bank and the arthritis vanishes, myopia gets better, heart illness decreases, asthma disappears, stomachs function properly and the whole catalog of ills goes away and stays away. Did you know that nitrous oxide (the most vicious anesthetic ever invented, as it is actually not a anesthetic but a hypnotic. Nothing here should be contstrued to mean that a person only uses or dramatizes sympathy engrams. This is very far from the case. The sympathy gives him/her the chronic psychosomatic illness. He/She can dramatize any engram he/she has when it is restimulated. So what about Munchausen's by proxy then? ENGRAMS----a moment of "unconsciousness" containing physical pain or painful emotion and all perceptions, and is not available to the analytical mind as experience . The engram is the single source of aberrations and psychosomatic ills. ABERRATION:----a departure from rational thought or behavior. From the latin, aberrare, to wonder from: Latin, ab, away, errare, to wander. ALLY COMPUTATION:----Little more than a mere idiot calculation that anyone who is a friend can be kept a friend only by approximating the conditions wherein the friendship was realized. It is computation on the basis that one can only be safe in the vicinity of certain people and that one can only be in the vicinity of certain people by being sick or crazy or poor and generally disabled. Francis Bacon---(1561-1626) English philosopher and essayist who insisted that investigation should begin with observable facts rather than with theories. A woman who has upto this point been happy and carefree until and then suddenly goes into a decline, has not at that moment received an engram (Munchausen's by proxy). She has had an engram key in, which let another key in. There are three levels of understanding. The first is getting the job done efficiently. Below that is making the patient comfortable. Below that is sympathy. In short, if you can do nothing for a man/woman with a broken back, you can make him/her comfortable. If you cant even make him/her comfortable, you can sympathize with him/her. The code is simple; Be courteous in his/her treatment, be kind, not giving away to any indulgence of cruelty toward preclears (Munchausen's by proxy), not surrending to any desire to punish. When attending to the pt, be quiet, answering only questions as you see fit that the mother/father should not be given beyond the absolute essentials. The survival conduct pattern of Munchausen's by proxy, clearly operates more or less automatically on this code /uncommunicative, never giving the MP's any information whatsoever about the case,thats if you suspect this is what appears to be the situation at hand, including evaluations of data that you say maybe less than compared to or compared to more than. Dub in: the manifestations of putting unknowingly, perceptions which do not in actual fact exist, in the environment
  18. It was funny though, I thoroughly enjoyed it
  19. The medicalert is not what I'm judging people on here [-( WITHOUT PREJUDICE I was just being silly, it's like saying in so many ways and I'll probably put it up for others to see later, this is just part of it. e.g. What sexy thang do you as a women like about men in uniform? (Men- Women in uniform) :glasses5: / :glasses6: 1. Their sweet smile, winking at you, nice legs -yes men do have nice legs well some of them do, women too 2. sexy body (butt, hands, strength to bite cap off beer bottle, great with suntan oil (massaging) etc... 3.Their broad shoulders...carrying women over their shoulders,( Men-frolicking in the hay-women) 4. Intelligence, goofiness, tells bad jokes but you get it anyway, (Men- women try to explain doesnt make sense) 5. They like to party- as long as you drink you DONT DRIVE,( :iroc: ) no puking in other persons car, out window is fine, Men-some women have better decorum. and some dont. :drunken: 6. They have habits like everyone else- :pottytrain5: Its the idea to show people that yes you are professional yet you are human too. I rest my case :!:
  20. Acosel Your 20 yrs old, you're a medic and you live in Ontario, WOW. Your the youngest medic I have ever heard of unless your bluffing about your age, this I understand. Medic Alert is not ment to get you a date, it's ment to save your life...
  21. I have one also and it looks pretty lonely sitting in front of me on my desk, what can I say? I paid alot for it, gee I guess I'll put it on, WOW it looks cool on my left wrist, does it make my wrist look sexy, naw thats society for ya, all that hype for nothing. Either you wear it to survive, or you die trying...
  22. I got a 11 seconds I guess I wont be joining the army anytime soon.
  23. windsong

    On Top

    I'm on top of the world!!! woohoo
  24. I have the flu and my nephew and niece show up, nothing out of the ordinary then I hear some swearing and I ask what the heck is going on here? My 20 yr old nephew owns the same thing Art owned which by the way ART TY for the funny bio I enjoyed that and TY again for not hurting your cat as I am a cat lover I own 2. My nephew says let me try this on you, I'm like hell you are, the flu is bad enough I dont need you zapping me, so he goes back and zaps his 13 yr old sister. I dont think he realizes the conquences on this, it's not a toy, 100,000 volts sounds like the chair you'd get if it were death row but probably 10 times worse. WARNING: DONT TRY THIS ON YOUR LOVED ONES/HAS BAD SIDE EFFECTS!! WORSE CASE SCENARIO
  25. Thankyou JPINFV, for the information
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