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    The East Side of the US

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  1. Hi everybody - We have had so many issues with people not replacing equipment and just not keeping up with required house keeping duties that we are moving to a locked cabinet securement policy. Thoughts? Ideas? Sample policies? Any thing you can think of the help please let me know. Thanks for your time :!:
  2. Hi guys It is me again! Fishing for some thoughts here. Currently we use the HT50 by Newport and the Impact Eagle for our system. My Medics are telling me they hate the HT50 and are bringing up some other options. We have run with Eagles for years and the sales guy from Newport presented a great pitch, but the follow through on the product is what is being questioned by my staff. We opted to try the HT50 for the Volume and Pressure control options and cpap/bipap. Well to this day we have not had a pt tolerate the "bipap style" delivery that I am aware of. We are doing approx 5 vent trips a day so it is not like a lack of exposure to the equipment. We transport everything from Peds to adult, New intubation, post arrest to the chronic has been vent dependent for 20 years all on a daily basis. Give me your thoughts please as to what really is going to serve my group well and are my medics just resisting change and fighting the HT50?
  3. I thank all of you for your input. It is not often I can pick the brains of those who are not close to the issue and or able to pull emotions out of it, I am finding the initials behind the name does not mean they are more qualified to perform the care, just comes down to educating all of my teams well and reminding them to play nice while in each others sand box.
  4. Wish we had the luxury to discontinue the drips. Our average transfer is 60-90 minutes so meds infusing stay infusing. At the medic end only TPN and blood products fall under mandate for RN so the medics take everything else. Or have been and with positive outcomes to this point. However I am learning that maybe this really isn't the norm and we should maybe not be putting so much faith at the medic level. The clinical admin part of me would like to keep encouraging the medics to take these trips, They are with in scope with the state, but I can't help wonder why other transport companies are not. Maybe a better question would have been how do you decide if MICU or Advanced ALS?
  5. Currently my organization has a MICU service and CICP medic service along with all the others, but to the point past precadent has allowed advanced care medics to transport without RN several meds some requiring titration. The question being is this the norm? Meds in example : Heparin, Integralin, Diprovan. I function in dual capacity as Nurse/Medic and the changes really don't change my day a whole lot, however some of these trips are being directed towards MICU/RN rather than Medic and Medics that have been doing these trips are getting a little salty because now they are not "good enough". It is not a billing thing due to either way being billed as SCT and max money back. My overhead feels that medics are not functioning in this capacity else where and maybe we should not be. Any thoughts?
  6. OMG - People are you kidding me? Hello our husbands, wives, children are playing in the giant sand box over there to ensure we have the right to post and read stuff like that. So if you are offended, good that means you have the option and freedom of being insulted. For those of you that laughed Rock On life is to short and as a a women i was trying to figure out what friends I could fool into thinking it was true. That would make a great post card for our local soldier boys.
  7. New to this posting thing, however as an ER Nurse and Medic both active. I run on a MICU and 911 service. My Micu Trips I need a second medic no doubt or I am setting my EMTB up for failure or risk of being out of scope, the non acute als/bls trips that we do locally to keep up the revenue to support our Micu could go either way. It will always depend on the EMTB vs Medic you are judging. There is no don't I know EMTB's that could run circles around some of our medics, but truth is they don't have the happy little piece of paper that allows them to play with the cool stuff. Our perception is our reality and we can all sit here and pretend for what if's and worse case scenarios, but when a jury of 12 peers is judging you and your actions as long as you can say you did everything in your power and acted to the best of your obligations does it really matter what the initials are of the person next to you? Are you really going to perform better because you have an equal next to you, or the fact that you have two medics in the back both searching for a line and you realize thats its been 3 min since the patients last been ventilated because nobody is performing BLS skills? I have seen both and great outcomes both ways. Several of our rural squads bringing patients in through my ER doors are often BLS and yeah its a hell of a lot of work for us when they come in, but they have had AED access (mandatory in my State for all squads), intubated and usually decent CPR so I can honestly say in my neck of the woods it depends more on the crews themselves and their effort then what initials they have behind there name. And on the flip side I have some real lazy double Medic crews that hate to be bothered for the 5am dead guy and we are lucky to see an oral airway in place. So again I close with our perception is our reality.
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