well to start it just bothers me...
we work in a Independent living facility, meaning they live in apartments and we work here as security and when needed EMS... me and bri are both EMT's, no offence to bri but i have two years on him... now if memory serves me correctly but i remember being told no matter what the call give them O2... he's the kicker
Sir whats the problem?
I'm having trouble breathing, and i got very tired walking back to my apartment.
*15 lpm Via NRB*
Calls 911 and they dispatch medics... thats how this happend...
one of my officers escorted the Medics in and stated to me later they were complaining of being here on such a hot day, monday being of all days.... hmmm thanks for a having a great attitude when coming onscene AS*HOLE... this is the same squad that wants to be Unionized due to the fact the part time people and volunteer people have a say in what happens on the ambulance and they are mad cause there is like 4 of them and they always get out voted, so they wanna act like fools... but this is me venting and thank you for all your confidence... i knew i was right i was mad cause he pulled that crap in front of a PT and made Bri look at me like oh crap we're in so much trouble...