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Everything posted by KIWI

  1. RIP uncle dust
  2. used to use nappy cleaner ... good soak seemed to work but JIF as used for cleaning the bath or shower is great!!! will get old blood stains and even grease (motor oil) out and after its been through a wash just rub some in to offending area and then wash as normal have had success without fade etc on colours and whites odd but effective
  3. amazing .... dont take much t excite an aussie huh ... its ok bushy we still love ya
  4. well theres a good add for all those who think theyre fine with out a seat belt :wink:
  5. hehehe (_*)_) ... BITE ME shaping up to be a better test this time round
  6. the 'poems' ????? hey the miserable bloody aussies even took the bugle off the 'barmy army' bugler!!!!!
  7. those bloody aussies ... should a gone for the follow on ... but nope they went t bat .... hope it rains for the next two days buggers shoulda been humane n finished it off
  8. I just did some weight conversions ... from pounds to kilos ... and strewth we consider a 200 - 250 kg patient huge ... and that don't even get close to the ones yous are talking about!!! um some of those weight conversions come out heavier than my er HORSE!!!!
  9. as a start point chat to your dads neighbour ... as ya said hes already involved talk to the local (or nearest) search n rescue group generally you become involved in the group and find out what its about and it is you who will be training your own animals ... with help/direction from someone who is skilled in the area
  10. I chose not to have one. After having it for a few years and having no problems I noticed for a couple of years that i was getting hit quite badly by some 'bug' (and this was not in the time soon after the shot). So the following year I skipped it, and got away with no problems and repeated this for a couple of years then about 2 years ago I was pressured into having one and again had the same problem of getting hit again. So for now I chose to avoid it. I know that the vaccine is geared to what ever strain is predicted for that yearand so varies some each year. I am current will all other vacinations for the 'nasties' I am likely to encounter (and that I am offered).
  11. AK time for you to get out of the sun!
  12. im sure you n her would have plenty in common wind ... you could be good friends :wink:
  13. ANY emergency vehicle in an emergency situation is NO place for a minor.
  14. OK heres a mix ... things that I think would make ems/ambulance better ... and some responses to the posts already posted. There is the ever present prob of funding ... was sort of 'funny' one of the reasons I joined the fire service was 'to see how the other half lived' and the deal with the fire service was way better than with ambulance .... the difference? FUNDING As I have posted in the past ALL emergency services need to sort out the problem of having children (minors) riding on emergency vehicles or attending emergency incidents. We want to be taken seriously ... then don't as a matter of cause allow children to be present on the job (no other profession allows this). Here in NZ we're lucky that the different levels of qualification are pretty much nation wide .... at least at a state level if not national that would be great in the US (would clear a lot of complications and mis understandings). On a wee bit of a tangent but brought to mind from being allowed to spend some time working in with a paramedic mate in the US the multitude of services operating in the one city and meeting up with them in the varying hospitals ... was WOW an eye opener for this kiwi! Maybe more uniformity would be better for the general public ... I'm not really sure ... was just mega different for me. And finally ... to invite the bullets and have people baying for my blood ... VOLUNTARISM ... where does it fit in modern day emergency medicine? I have worked both sides (as paid and vol) there are some communities that 'survive' on the sweat of volunteers but there are also services who constantly lower standards and under cut service because of the sweat of willing volunteers, and thats not on. They're making money of the system, the patients and the volunteers and basically as long as they are making money they don't care about anything else. This is WRONG. It undermines job, the qualifications, the service it gives all an unfair unjust deal. The perfect EMS deal? It's an impossible dream .... patients wouldn't die, stupid people wouldn't do stupid things, innocent people wouldn't suffer for other's mistakes, CIS n PTSD wouldn't happen to the 'good guys', we would be paid enough so one job was sufficient to live on. Ambulance personnel wouldn't have to worry about assaults, robbery, blood/body borne pathogens. But thats not how it is ... and it's never going to be. The constant change and unpredictability of the job is one of the biggest draw cards, we see people at there worst and sometimes (hopefully more than just sometimes) we are able to make a real life changing difference. The things that could make EMS 'perfect' are 'pipe dreams' they are not a reality. Having said that emeregncy medicine has come a long way in the past 30+ years and is a growing evolving entity.
  15. And I wonder how they would feel if they saw some of the things you have had to say in this forum? Would they still trust you? No none of have worked with you and yes any judgement is based on the side of you you have chosen to present on the site, as I have said before 're read' some it and then try and see how it might look to someone on the other side of a computer screen. You have some great opportunities ... don't spoil them by shooting off your mouth.
  16. Ahhh the maturity ... wow I guess it'd be really reassuring to have a person who acts and talks like this roll up when one needs emergency medical assistance. Another argument/fight for youth on emergency vehicles down the toilet.
  17. yeah right ... how many times have you said that? that's why adults are accountable nope none of my business ... more so in a forum like this seeing as your not 'gloating' what exactly are you doing? ... and do you really think this forum is the place for this sort of 'not gloating'? grow up .... statements such as that will always attract negative attention maybe because anyone over 20 has had enough of kids saying how mature they are and how good they are while struggling through all the spelling/grammer errors?
  18. Funny Tim this seems to be a line of yours. Nope I won't edit it or anything ... but anyone who has followed these discussions will know exactly what I mean. I too was a St John cadet ... I achieved my grand prior award before you was a twinkle in ya daddy's eye (over 20 yrs ago). And back then and now I do not agree with a lot of what you say, I can understand your enthusiasm but mate you only got a few more yrs to be a kid .... after that ya don't get a second chance at it. You boost up yourself (the jobs events you've covered) but run down the on the road guys/paramedics (try hards) .... your words not mine .... those things just stick out as immaturity. Your 16 ... ok nearly 17 but pull ya head in YOU might not like some of these guys or what they try to tell you but they have been there done that .... i real life too. Why do you sometimes feel picked on??? ... go back n read some of what you have had to say on different things n see if that answers that question.
  19. Amen brother
  20. Timmy your post has just said exactly why minors should not be doing ride alongs or working with real patients. Your argument for maturity has just gone down the toilet.
  21. [/font:e0706106be] miles
  22. St John in NZ "First to care" joke within the service ... first to scare n if ya work for em (n they have maybe 90% of ambulance ...certainly emergency ambulance in NZ) first to care ... unless ya work for em at which point they don't give a schit
  23. MMMM this post is about trying to get people to talk/debate thier own personal views then bashing them for chosing whether they say something or not. Why dont people get it that that is the main reason for not bothering.
  24. I had the opertunity to meet birth family a few years ago and was lucky that it was a positive experience. We still keep contact but not really close. What Ridryder said is very much the reason why I wanted to meet them. I am still to meet my father as he denys the fact ... but appaerntly we are much alike so maybe 'one day'. I wish you luck in your choice. But I would say go for .... you may not get the chance again.
  25. im out of this one
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