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Everything posted by matthew

  1. Thats always good to get PR out of the things. I am trying to do a Resume right now even though its kinda early for that kinda thing. I guess I am getting the jump on things for now till I deploy then the world will pass me by. LOL
  2. Lefts face it... Its all about the $$$ and they change the names and standards to make more of it. Like the new ACLS and CPR standard.... You have to know those now in order to pass the NCLEX or NERMT exams, so now you have to get the new standards... Or lets say your company or who ever you work for only cares about PALS and if you have PEPP it doesnt count. Some of the new standard are great and some are just well BS. Trauma on the civilian side of the house is about 7-10 yrs behind the power curve but it is catching up fast now that they are using all the studies and data on patient treatment, care, new bandages (Hemcon, quickclot), blood clotting drugs, and the scientific proof from the war that all these new things really work and save lives. In the end what we do is SAVE LIVES... For those who are in control of the paper (certs.) its about $$$.... Oh and Thanks for answering the question about the Adv BTLS... YOU ROCK! Yall have a nice one and dont work to hard.
  3. I am thinking of being one of those myself...... It's about to be re-up time and I have something else in mind if I get the green light. I am not stepping out with of this job with out something else lined out you know. I love my job when I am deployed or doing real world missions, but back state side not doing anything kills me. The local Life Flight folks (nurses) have helped me find classes I need for my guys and they are a big help. Do yall do stuff like that for others as well?
  4. Thats cool. So do you get the chance to do any operational medicine?
  5. Its the Basic Trauma Life Support Advanced Course.
  6. No CATC (Combined Arms Training Center) Its a school just for weapons training and tactics. More or less how to make you a more effective shooter
  7. Hi just looking for other fellow Flight Medics out there to toss about ideas or share thought or training ideas. Feel free to message me or email. I am a 10yr Medic in the Army. Currently as a Flight Medic with 4 deployments (2 are on the ground with the armored cav.) Even if you are a just a fellow Medic feel free to join in, we are all the same (for the most part) My Certs. are EMT-I, PHTLS, ACLS, PALS, PEPPs, AdvBTLS, CPR, OEMS, TCCC or TC3 or CMAST(what ever you want to call that crap), CATC(weapons course)
  8. Good luck on that one. The real medics are the ones who are not in the clinics and thats a fact!!!
  10. 91B, 91W, now 68WF3 Flight medic. Two deployments in the Cav. with the ground pounders and two as a Flight Medic. Certs. are EMT-I, OEMS, PAL, PEPPS, ACLS, PHTLS, Adv.BLTS, TC3, CMAST, CATC weapons school. Did I mention I am still retarded!!!!!!!!
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