So after 3 years and no post, I've successfully resurrected 1 dead thread and started another....
Anyway, Methamphetamine has become a big story here over the last few years, (the jokers would say we don't have Methamphetamine problem because everybody has it)
. And unlike you Heroin epidemic of the late 90's, to late 2000's where they were nice and peacefully asleep and a little bit cyanosed and they would generally wake up with some oxygenation and some Narcan and be pretty OK with things, these mongrels are often wound up like spring, especially the polypharm OD's and sometimes even the synthetic Marijuana user. It became such a problem we are now giving high dose IM ketamine to knock them down as Midazolam was ineffective,
Just interested to hear whats happening in other places, are you dealing with it, and are you seeing secondary problems such as serotonin syndrome/rhabdo/renal failure/MI often?
There.. my contribution for the next 3 years