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Everything posted by BushyFromOz

  1. Gun control = controlling the sale of guns in an attempt to prevent nutters and kids getting their mitts on them WHY THE HELL WOULD ANYBODY ARGUE AGAINST THAT
  2. Wow! Just take a second and think of how rediculous it must be over there that some of you think giving teachers guns is the way to keep your kids safe. Yeah, it "might" have stopped him, or given the nut or any other person a new avenue for obtaining a fire arm wow...... :?
  3. Interesting - and there are better scoops than the ferno ones :?
  4. Im assuming an LSB won't stand vertically with a pt strapped to it in transit :wink:
  5. Dont you guys just pick the one with the biggest box and most flashing lights? Thats a smart marketing/consumer orientated move :shock:
  6. wasn't there a JEMS article that said the exact opposite of this recently?
  7. Ahhh........the joys of not living in america!
  8. I cant believe this story has been posted again :shock: :roll:
  9. Alice the camel has one hump, alice the camel has......................................dum de dah dah dah yeh dee ta
  10. Ahhh........the joys of not living in america!
  11. Let me get this right...... You were warned of what was in the video, watched it, then decided to whinge about iwhat you saw? Would you rather some edited news footage with a corny cliche'd voice over talking the situation up? No......in its own confronting, nightmarish way, this video clip is perfect. Mans humanity towards his fellow man.
  12. Yeah, aint that the truth. One of the pitfalls of adult education is there is often little or no support for developing study strategies and regimes that can be used by people who did not have the benefit of just finishing high school where these teachings are the norm. I also find there is often very little accomodation for people with different learning styles, i.e. kinesthetic v's auditory v's visual. In fact, i'd wager very few programs even help students identify their learning type before the commencement of study (I believe this should be a compulsory module done at the beginning of any extended tertiary study) A lot of the time, people who rely strongly on kinesthetic or visual (or a combination of both) are often at a disadvantage, either because the material presentation is not varied, or the subject itself does not lend kindly to being presented as a physical exercise. I feel sorry for anyone who is a combination of kinesthetic/visual learning. Learning science subjects can be a real pain in the ass - and making revision notes that cater for your learning style are a lot more time consuming than others. Hehe - did anyone get the impression i have had some problems with study strategies?
  13. :shock: :shock: Is that like being retained?
  14. HA! Nice! I assure there is no lack of self esteem just a fair amount of bewilderment to australian jobs being given to foreigners Oh gimme a freaken break phil - here - have my HECS debt then tell me it doesn't piss you off, i guess its easy for you to jusdge, you were able to walk in off the street first time round
  15. Well arn't you a tosser then. Use your brain and throw up on the ground......
  16. Idiots Negligence Negligence and just plain dangerous Obviously these people have no common sense What was that about common sense? :shock: Negligence I bet he did, and the fact that his advice was supposedly ignored is rediculous See above They should WHY DO PEOPLE LACK COMMON SENSE?? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
  17. And you are both impressed with your lack of credentials and your ego scared and threatened by those who have them. But your missing the point....... It's not about what was good enough in the past, or how it was done in the good ole' days. Its about what should, would, could, and can be made better in the future You cant reactively control a persons experiences, nor proactively qualitate them effectively. But you can control the quality of the education that they have those experiences with. If its not growing or changing, its dying. Quit talking about how great you are and start talking about how great things can be.
  18. Potentially the most self glorifying, idolising statement ive ever seen. Statements like this not only remove the credibility of yourself, but tarnish the reputation of your profession, but undermine the humanity and service of those people who have died in the line of duty. In the end it amounts to nothing more than a pile of this..... I think you get the idea.....
  19. For an educated person you really have your head up you ass sometimes. Id equate this to yourself going through all the expense and hassles of getting your educational requirements up to scratch, and when you finally get yourself in a position to get that job you spent 3 years studying for, they outsource recruitment to american medics and leave the canadian guys fighting for the leftovers. Then again, maybe there is a certain amount of awesomeness in you not having a career in EMS?
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